Monday, September 30, 2019

Molly Monday

The bestest news - my harness is back and the prong collar is back in the closet where it belongs!    We have seen the black puppy several times but so far, we've been fortunate that he/she hasn't been too close.   Mom says that I must be a very good girl and I am now on the honor system.  
 Look what I found on walkies this morning.   It's a gigantic bunny tail☺
 Mom placed an order with at the end of last week and she decided that I NEEDED a Mr Carrot in memory of Maggie.   
But Mr Carrot is MINE, Froggie!
 The Mr Carrot toy that Maggie used to play with is no longer available.   Mom has hunted far and wide for the cheap toy with the very loud squeaker so this plush one will just have to do.  
Happy last day of September!

Love ya lots♥

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Silent Sunday

Love ya lots♥

Friday, September 27, 2019

Nature Friday

We are joining Rosy and Arty today for Nature Friday~

Mr Mike's marigolds are still blooming away~
 Are so are Miss Jan's sunflowers.  We found a bee too, Rosy and Arty!
 We found crab apples~  Hi Mitch♥
 We think these are berries are on a Jack in the Pulpit wildflower.  We've never seen a cluster so large before.
 We found purple asters~
 And we found red salvia among the money plants~
 The silver dollars look like they have a pearl effect.   They're so pretty!
 We found bladderwort along Farmer Will's fields~
 I am the Queen of my hickory tree stump!
 Happy Friday, everybuddy☺
Love ya lots♥

Monday, September 23, 2019

Autumn is Here

Mom and I went for a walk this morning and I wore my autumn bandana.   Unfortunately, it feels like summer today. It's hot with humidity but it won't last, thank goodness!
 Mom treated herself to a new t-shirt.   Good choice, mom!

Happy Autumn to all of my Fall loving friends!

Love ya lots♥

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Caturday Art

A GLORIOUS Saturday!
No - this is not my neighborhood but I sure wish it was!
Love ya lots♥

Friday, September 20, 2019

Nature Friday

We are joining Rosy this week for Nature Friday~

Mom took me out the garage door that leads into our back yard late one afternoon and look what we discovered.  We hurried past because he looked like he was going to jump on us!
 Can you see those praying mantis eyes?  They are so creepy and they rotate!
 Our Wild Cherry tree in our small woods has berries.  
 And our Holly berries keep getting more and more red!
 We found a cute mushroom in our yard.
 Ooops - poor Sunflower~
 It's getting to be the time of year when stuffs attaches itself to my furs if I drag my face through the vegetation along the side of the road~

Mom treated herself to a handblown glass pumpkin.   She's a pumpkin NUT and she just loves it!
Happy Friday, everybuddy!
Love ya lots♥

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Bye Bye Hickory Tree

We have a huge dead hickory tree in our yard. It was alive last year and this past winter did it in.   Mom guesses that it's around 75 feet tall.  The tree removal service will be here soon to take it down.
I'll watch out for them, mom!
 The first branch is on the ground.    Can you see Landlord Bob sitting in his chair at the end of the Arborvitae hedge enjoying the show☺
 The branches are falling one by one~
 He's really high up in the Aire!
 And now for the trunk.
 He's almost there~
 The tree is down with lots of clean up to do~
Mom and I made soup.   Mom made up her own recipe.   It's a chicken stock base with chicken thigh pieces in it and stewed tomatoes and a shallot and celery and carrots and spinach and chick peas and pigeon peas and I helped!
 Mom always gets carried away with the Parmesan cheese~
And one more thing - the New Jersey barn will be a huge two story house with a garage underneath.  The structure is 32' X 68'.

Love ya lots♥

Monday, September 16, 2019

Molly Monday

Love ya lots♥

Saturday, September 14, 2019

A Great Movie

Mom found The Art of Racing in the Rain on our firestick.   It wasn't the bestest quality because it's early on but she decided to give it a go and watch it anyway~
 We can't watch a great movie without popcorn, mom!

 Tossing it through the Aire is 87 times more fun!
More, more more!
 We LOVED the movie.   It didn't make mom too sad because she had already read the book so she new what to expect but the movie was wonderful - and so was the popcorn!
Progress of the NJ barn~
 And now for your entertainment~
The owner of the barn is a tightwire walker.   How cool is this!
Love ya lots♥
Molly with Mackie

Friday, September 13, 2019

Nature Friday

We are joining Rosy in Texas for Nature Friday this week~

Off we go~~
 The Phlox and Sedum are the same color and look so pretty blooming together~
 The Sedum smells good, Molly.   Come and check it out!
 The Staghorn Sumac is turning its autumn color~
 The Jewelweed is going crazy with flowers!
 We found a mushroom family~
Meanwhile, at the barn raising in New Jersey~
Happy Friday the 13th, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥
Molly with Mackie