Friday, August 4, 2023

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy and Sunny this week for Nature Friday~~

We have had beautiful weather this week with lower temps and lower humidity and along our morning walk, we found a downed tree and the leaves were looking like Autumn~

We discovered Wild Dock~
The Queen Anne's Lace is blooming everywhere!
What a huge mushroom patch!  If we only knew if they were edible but we're not taking any chances.   It's not worth it!
The Phlox is blooming and smelling so wonderful!
Back at home, we pass by our pink Rose of Sharon in the driveway.
On our back porch mom discovers these two Blinded Sphinx moths.  She looked them up or she would have never known what species they were.  They were on our porch post from early morning till late afternoon.  They were together for the longest time until one of them finally took off and not too much longer; so did the other one.  
Happy Friday, everybuddy!
Love ya lots♥


  1. Hari OM
    Oh how special to see the intimate moment of the moths... and to know more moths will result! I think that shroom is a 'hen of the woods' - yes edible, but you and mum are absolutely right to be cautious!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Oh Molly what an interesting post. We do hope those moths were having a good time together!

  3. So, who is Sharon and why did she put roses at your place? Very pretty flowers. It is so hot and humid here, just awful some of our flowers are taking a break from blooming because of the heat. Have a fun weekend!

  4. we love the pink flowers... and this moths wow they look really super big... like bats... or berds... happy furryday to you

  5. Molly we also enjoyed much lower temps and humidity this past week. In fact, no days got into the 90's.
    Blind Sphinx Moths OMDs they are quite a pretty color. I might have giggled out loud at Nobby's comment. I have never heard of them either. I will have to talk to GiGi Google about them
    Love you lots and Hugs Cecilia

  6. You found lots of interesting nature on your walk, Molly. We love the moths the best.

  7. WooHoo DOUBLE The Molly!

    And some other very khool things -

    Thanks for sharing -

    And YES: the temps have been bonus!


  8. What beautiful flowers and OMD, what cool moths!!
    Rosy & Sunny

  9. You watched the moths mating? I didn't think you were old enough for that, Molly. What a unique experience that was.

  10. Wow! that's amazing to see those moths! We still have some hot muggy days, with a rain storm almost every day. But, as we say, if it's not snow and ice, we'll take it! Oh and we're seeing those pretty wild flowers now too. That's good for the bees and butterflies.

  11. That's a lot of pretty blooms sweet Molly! I hope you have a totally fabulous weekend!

  12. What a lovely post, Molly. You found so many interesting things!

  13. We are supposed to have some much nicer weather tomorrow before the return of the heat and humidity. Actually it isn't too bad today, just a bit too warm. The Queen Anne's lace is so delicate and pretty. Those moths are pretty ugly, but they seem to enjoy hanging out together.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. Love the flowers and those moths are amazing. So great when you get to see wildlife like that. Molly your lovely face makes it all the better. Hugs & Love Susie & Coco xx
