Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Tasty Tuesday

 Mom was hungry for her mom's Sour Cream Coffee Cake but her mom used it make it in a tube pan and that's just too large so mom cut the recipe in half and baked it in an 8" X 8" pan.



  • Lightly grease an 8x8'' baking pan.*
  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  • Combine topping ingredients together in a bowl. Set aside.
  • In a mixing bowl cream together butter and sugar until pale and fluffy. Add egg and mix. Add sour cream and vanilla and mix.
  • In a separate bowl whisk together the flour, baking soda and baking powder. 
  • Add dry ingredients to butter mixture and mix just until combined.
  • Spoon half of the batter into your prepared pan and smooth into an even bottom layer. 
  • Sprinkle half of the topping mixture over the top. Spoon remaining batter on top and smooth into an even layer.
  • Sprinkle remaining topping mixture over the top.
  • Bake in preheated oven for 35-45 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean, or with few crumbs. 
  • Check the mixture about half way through baking --you may want to put a piece of tinfoil over the top to keep the top from browning too much. 
  • Allow to cool for at least 10 minutes before serving.

We made the topping first and set it aside.   We didn't have pecans so we used walnuts.  
Anyone who bakes knows that spreading batter in between layers is a real challenge but when it's baked no one can tell that it's not even.    
And 45 minutes later~~
Now can I tasteTest, mom?!

When mom took her first bite, memories of gram came flooding back.   This coffee cake is so flavorful and so moist and so yummy☺

Happy Tuesday and Happy Halloween!
Love ya lots♥

Friday, October 27, 2023

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy and Sunny this week for Nature Friday~~

Landlord Bob's maple tree is looking so beautiful in her autumn colors~

Ornamental Cherries~
Mom needs to pick sage leaves before we get hit by frost!
Our Amaryllis spent the summer outside.   Mom brought her inside sometime in September and put her in the basement where the bulb would get sunlight.  She didn't have signs of life at this point.   A month went by and mom put her outside in the garage.  Still nothing and then low and behold - a sign of life!   Here she is almost at the end of October.   Will she flower?  We will keep watching!
Happy Friday, everybuddy!
Love ya lots♥

Thursday, October 26, 2023

National Pumpkin Day


Can you ever have too many pumpkins?!  

Happy National Pumpkin Day!

Love ya lots♥

Monday, October 23, 2023

Molly Monday

 We had a very interesting weekend.   Mom ran out of CBG gels and the vet gave her CBD oil because he didn't have the right size gel for a dog my size.   Saturday morning, mom squirted the oil on my breakfast.  She had a funny feeling that 1.75ml was not the right dose but she continued to squirt away.    I have never been a dog that doesn't eat all of my breakfast lickity split but the smell of this CBD oil was overwhelming and tasted awful but I ate 99% of my foodables because it's my breakfast.    Mom did check the intermutts to see if you could overdose and kill a dog on CBD oil and thankfully, you cannot.   But I did spend the rest of the day zoned out and I did pee more than usual as this was a symptom of too much of a good thing.   I also had dilalated eyes, which really whigged her out.   Apparently, my dialated eyes were not like a human's when they visit their eye doctor.   My eyes were not light sensitive and I could see just fine.   Mom and I played ball gently inside the house and I had no problem catching my tennis ball.   

Mom decided, as I was probably still a little bit under the influence and could probably run a marathon with my looser joints, we should go for a short walk.  
It is a beautiful crisp morning here in Connecticut.   We didn't go far but it was sure nice to get out and sniff all that I had been missing.  
Happy Monday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥

Friday, October 20, 2023

Nature Friday

 We are joining both Rosy and Sunny for Nature Friday~~

The only walkies I got this week were in my own yard.

Our Holly has berries!
Mom discovered these Porcelain berries while she was raking.   They are speckled and what a gorgeous blue they are!
We discovered an all black wooly caterpillar.   He was trying to come inside the garage and mom told him that he'd be better off outside.      
The bestest news is that all of your POTP and good thoughts are helping!    Wednesday night and last night, there was no pacing or whining going on here.   Mom got up at 2:30 am to take me out and couldn't believe that I was still sleeping.   
Happy Friday, everybuddy, and thank you so much!!

Love ya lots♥

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Wonderful Wednesday

 I do a lot of pacing and checking in with mom all night long.  Around 1:30am, I was right next to the bed and she didn't realize it.   She threw back the covers to get up and take me outside for business.   She always looks down at the floor to make sure she's not going to step on me and because she had no idea that I was RIGHT THERE - we touched noses.  It sent mom into gales of laughter and that's a very good thing!

Thank you all so very much for all of your love and support.   We appreciate each and every one of you more than you will ever know♥

Love ya lots and lots♥
Molly and Mom

Monday, October 16, 2023

Molly Monday

 A lot has happened since I started wearing socks on my paws for hyperkeratosis.      Two weeks ago today, I decided to keep mom awake for most of the night, whining.   She didn't know if I was in pain or if I was playing a new game!   The next night, the same thing happened.    I took a couple of nights off, and then the whining started again and mom made an appointment with my vet.  

I had an event on one of my morning walks with stumbling and circling and then there was the afternoon that I wanted to roll on the grass and I couldn't get back up without help.   The steps leading from the driveway onto the porch were becoming an issue.   I needed help with those too.    We have stairs that go through the garage and out a back door onto the grass and these steps are working out much better for me.   Two steps instead of three is better and a 6 inch rise instead of an 8 inch rise is easier on my back legs. 

 The vet has stolen more of my blood than I wanted to give.   I got put on a new joint supplement - Dasuquin and even a CBD gel - ElleVet.   They are helping but not totally. and in all fairness, this is all new to me and my Senior body.         

In the beginning, mom thought I had my days and nights mixed up and she thought that I had a doggy dementia.   My bloodwork has come back just fine.   The vet never gave us a firm diagnosis  but it's definitely an arthritis issue.   

This past Friday night, mom and I were both up all night long and mom was frantic.  She had a pain killer med in her stash called Carprofen and at 2am, she used it.   It didn't seem to help.

Saturday morning, she called the vet and he told her to come down and pick up a prescription for Galliprant.  She gave me the first one Saturday night at 2am, because I was whining again.   The directions say these chewable pills work better on an empty stomach but mom noticed when she got up at 5am, that I had been licking the fur on my left side, which led her to believe that my tummy wasn't happy so she fed me breakfast earlier than usual.   We have decided this chewable will be administered at 5am - one hour before breakfast and we will see if this works out better for me.  

So this is our latest development.   It's not fun but we'll get through it with time and patience, hopefully.       And about walkies - no morning walks on the pavement and I would love to play in my yard on my lunge line but mom says that until the deer, woodchucks and bunnies stop pooping or until she gets it all cleaned up, she doesn't want me rolling in it.  

Happy Monday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥

Friday, October 13, 2023

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy and Sunny this week for Nature Friday~~

Off we go through the fallen pine needles and sticky pine cones~

We found a baby RedBush with its Autumn color~
We discovered pretty red berries~
In front of Landlord Bob's house, the JewelWeed is in bloom~
Happy Friday the 13th, everybuddy!
Love ya lots♥

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Wordless Wednesday


Love ya lots♥


Friday, October 6, 2023

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy and Sunny this week for Nature Friday~~

We walked a couple of times this week but just short walks.   When I turn and look at mom, she asks me if I want to keep walking or turn and head home.   My feets  are telling me to go home.

We did find mushrooms~
The poison ivy is so pretty in its Autumn colors!
Happy Friday, everybuddy!
Love ya lots♥