Friday, January 25, 2008

Playing with Kipper

This is my friend, Kipper! We used to get along just fine before Mitch became my brother! She sat on my sofa and I respected her privacy and all was well.

Things changed when Mitch arrived on the scene! See how Mitch is kissing Kipper? He's actually being sweet for the moment! If you give him the chance he'll put that big snowshoe moosiepaw on Kipper and start chewing her nose off! Can you see the damage that he's done to her nose already? She used to be in 100% perfect condition!

See how sweet and angelic he looks! He's really a devil in disguise!

Things are going well right now! We're all just chilling and getting along at this point!

Here's Mitch pretending he's tired and totally not interested in playing anymore!

Now I've lost interest and have gone to sleep! Is Mitch playing coy? Is he playing hide-n-seek with Kipper? What the heck is this all about? Can somebody please tell me?

Don't trust him, Kipper! I swear he's up to no good!

So until next time.................

Love ya lots,



  1. OMG! OMG! OMG! Hystericalest EVER!!!!!!! I am kinda like Mitch in that I also CHEW noses OFF unsuspecting and adorable friends like KIPPER ... Please do not be disappointed in ME! :) That is a great photo of you two together with KIPPER between you! I think you should enter it in a contest! Tell your Mom, K?


    Putter ...:)

  2. Noses are our specialty, too. But those pictures are the cutest, and Mitch looks so innocent!

    wags from the whippets

  3. Maggie!!! I can't believe you have never shown these photos before! They are just the cutest ever! Kipper looooks just like you! AWWWWWW... mama is drooling over you three.


  4. Maybe Mitch thinks Kipper is his new baby brother!

  5. You gotta watch out for that Mitch...he's a wily one!!!

    Lots of Licks, Ruby

  6. Maggie, I think Mitch is pretending to be asleep until YOU are asleep, so he can chew on Kipper again! She is really cute, just like you guys!

    Your friend, Lenny

  7. Isnt it funny how things change when siblings come along......sigh.


  8. Kipper is a keeper! You 3 make an adorable trio!

  9. I think Kipper better keep both eyes on Mitch. He's obviously trying to fool her into thinking he is sweet and innocent.

  10. What in the world is Mitch doing in that picture? At first I thought he was doing what I do when my nose is cold, but he's not covering his nose. My cousin does something similar after she's gotten in trouble and is trying to be innocent so maybe he is trying to trick Kipper.

  11. Hiya Mags
    Ooh I would put Kipper in a hidey hole for a while till Mitch forgets about him!!

  12. You better keep a sharp eye on that Mitch. Louie does the same thing, he plays coy and then all you know what breaks loose.. You have to watch those younger siblings!!

    Big Sloppy Kisses
    Gus and Louie

  13. umm..i wouldn't trust boys are known for sneaky, mischief!

    although in his defense, i think he's just being sweet to Kipper so he can have a cuddle buddy...

    (hahahahaha - mischevious laugh)

  14. Oh nice Kipper ! You are so cute with him Maggie that Mitch wants to do the same ...
    Kisses, Faya

  15. I think Mitch is looking kinda embarrassed in the last picture. But then again, I think its all an act!


  16. Aww...Kipper is so cute!! And Mitch looks so sweet!! Maybe he's changed his ways.... or maybe he's just like Kena, who acts like an angel but can be the most evilestest doggy in the world!!
    Wags and licks,

  17. Kipper is too cute! How dare Mitch chew poor Kip!

    The photos made us laugh out loud - well done!

    Love to all - Dory

  18. Maggsie Girl!

    YOu are KILLIN' me! You know your little bro SO WELL, but the photographic evidence just isn't there right now. I love how you turn away from Mitch while he's kissin' on Kipper. (By the way, Kipper looks suspiciously like my sissy. If she weighs more than 10 lbs then she is officially bigger than my Stella).

    I HAVE to say, that MitchMan sure knows how to work the camera. My girl loves his coy pose.

    Maybe he's turning over a new paw. Who knows?

    Goober love & sympathetic smooches,

  19. oh.. those adorable photos are just cute and..

    and becareful.. everyone just love to disguise

  20. Hi, Maggie!
    Thanks for sharing those adorable pictures! Sure Mitch looks very innocent!
    I've never destroyed a stuffie but sure I like to bite their noses!
    Kisses and hugs

  21. Oh dear, Maggie!

    Kipper is so cute, Mitch would not really hurt her, would be? I'm sure that if he did, he'd have to tangle with you!! He probably does not want to do that.

    Love and Koobuss Kisses,

  22. Kipper is very cute! And Mitch is a sneakster!

  23. maggie, you sound like you are getting a wee bit, just a lil, jealous between Kipper and Mitch. are you?

    wet wet licks


  24. Mitch is the devil in disguise. A bit like me really.

    Simba xx

  25. Aww poor lil' Kipper!!


  26. Hi Maggie
    Us boys can be very ruff at times. I'd keep an eye on Mitch coz it doesn't matter that Kipper is so cute.
    Hope you're having a good weekend.
    Love from Hammer

  27. Mitch! Watch out! Those gals can get really mean when you mess with their stuff. My Beautiful Raja used to waggle her toys right in my face! And then when I took the bait she would drop it in a flash and nip at me! EIYEEE!


  28. Aww Maggie, poor thing, mitch will prob nibble the nose right off it! Never mind, maybe you can find something else to play with? :)

    Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx

  29. Awww, Kipper is cute! Poor girl! Doesn't Mitch know how to be a "gentle-man" with ladies? Gosh!

    Love licks,
    Solid Gold Dancer

  30. I think you sound a little jealous and miss your special time with kipper on his own. May be the hoomans can let you have a quiet time with kipper when mitch is not about. Keep an eye on mitchhe sounds a bit sneaky.

    Ludo the cool dude

  31. Yep Louie is hoping to be bigger than I am but the vet seems to think he will only get to 35 pounds. I am almost 50..

    Big Sloppy Kisses
    Gus and Louie

  32. Two's company and three's a crowd. *hint hint to Mitch*. But all 3 of you look so cute together though, if Mitch can be trusted to behave :-)

  33. Hmmmm. There's more going on in your mind than meets the eye. We hope a revolt isn't brewing.

    jans funny farm

  34. Maggie,
    Mitch suwe is doing a gweat job acting all innocent..I think he's just waiting till you'we completely asneep and then watch out..Kipper is a cutie..I hope you saved him fwom litttle bwovvew
    smoochie kisses,Asta

  35. Ah, Mitch, your days of playing innocent are over. Maggie's on to ya!

    William Tell

  36. Mitch is such a great pretender. He look innocent! hee...


  37. Hee hee!
    Thanks fur the comment you guys!
    Have a pawsome day!
    Wags and licks,
    Maya and Kena

  38. Kipper looks very cute. You three look just like a lovely little family. :)

    Finni xx

  39. AH Kipper better "Be Aware"...Once that nose comes off it's all over!

    Good Luck!

    Love, Hercules

  40. Maggie, we wouldn't trust Mitch with that Kipper! Maybe you can find a doppelganger ("Sardine?") and pass it off as the real thing...

    Sephie & Buster

  41. Hey there M&M (hee hee...that would be a pawsome nickname fur you!!)
    Thanks fur the comment and fur reading about Bruno!
    Wags and licks,
    Maya and Kena

  42. you 3 look very cute together. we think that Mitch has reformed and has decided that he loves Kipper and is not going to harrass her anymore.


  43. Awww...very cute picture of the three of you posing. I hope Mitch doesn't chew Kipper because she's so pretty!

  44. Hey maggie and mitch!

    WOW mitch had me fooled, he looked so innocent and sweet with kipper!!

    Kipper is very pretty though, dont let mitch destroy her nose!!

    peace out

  45. Mitch, you look Soooo innocent! How could anyone even think you might bite Kipper's nose off? Why don't you send him to us to protect him from Mitch? We promise to treat him nicely. Wahahahaha!!!!! (Like WE could be trusted!)

    Poppy & Penny

  46. kipper seems to be in a good condition right now...

    paw crossed...hope every part of him will still stay intact...

  47. Mitch is very good playing the innocent guy!

    My Jeannie laughed 'cos apparently before I was Top Dog in this house, she had two cats.....

    one was called Squeak, and the other was called Kipper!!!!!

    Love and laughing licks, your true friend Marvin xxxx

  48. Kipper is adorable, keep away from Mitch.

  49. Maggie...take it from experience...DON"T TRUST HIM!! Love Agatha

  50. I think you need to get Kipper the heck out of there, I have seen that look before and I know where it leads...

  51. Kipper looks so cute.It would be a terrible shame if he lost his little nose. Mitch please be kind to him.

    Molly and Taffy

  52. woofies Maggie and Mitch...heehee me hopies Kipper iz still wiff us..all in one piece....

    b safe,

  53. Hey my mummy has a Kipper too. I am not allowed near him, mainly because his head ends up in my gob ha ha ha.

    Miss Ellie

  54. Kipper is beautiful! And I bet she is very well behaved, no matter what Mitch does to her! You gotta look after her, Maggie!!

    Love and Koobuss Kisses,

  55. Noses are the best part for chewing. I've eaten quite a few in my day. You are both pretty canines. Cooper
