Sunday, November 29, 2020

Helping Mom Bake

 We're baking today for In Purrsuit of Flavors on Wednesday.   Make sure you come back and see what we've come up with for colorful foodables for a festive season.

Love ya lots♥


Friday, November 27, 2020

Nature Friday

 We are joining Sunny this week for Nature Friday.

We found berries in Miss Dottie's Lilly of the Valley garden~

And in the very same garden and not far away, we found a blooming Periwinkle flower!
We see lots of these fuzzy tall flower seeds along our walk~
The sniffin' is sure great this time of year!
This isn't as interesting as we thought it might be.   It WAS a Queen Anne's Lace bloom.

We need to give a shout out to Miss Ann for our beautiful holiday header.  Thank you, Miss Ann.  We absolutely love it and we can't wait for the snow to fall!

Happy Friday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥


Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving

 Tommorow will be the 14th year that we will have been blogging.    We thought that it might be fun to visit Thanksgiving day throughout the years on our blog.   

This is the very first post on our blog and of course, it's Maggie on November 28th, 2006.

Maggie and Mitch enjoying turkey giblets in 2007~
In 2008 they were having a marshmallow toss.  Mom must have been making her casserole with sweet potatoes and marshmallows that year~
In 2010, Maggie and Mitch were celebrating Mitch's 4th birthday.   Mom must have been in Florida visiting her mom for Thanksgiving that year~
2011 - Maggie with bittersweet berries.   Mom can remember driving not far from home with Maggie in the back seat.  The girls were picking bittersweet for decorations.  Oddly enough, to this day, we still walk by that special spot♥
In 2012, it was me and Mitch making the pumpkin pie~
And in 2013, we were still making pumpkin pie!
In 2015, we were still making pumpkin pie☺
In 2016, I was enjoying a peanut butter knuckle bone~
In 2017, mom and I were in our apartment and we were heading to my sissy's for Thanksgiving day~
In 2018, we are in our home that we're living in now~

And now it's 2020 - a very strange year for sure.   Mom and I will be spending today by ourselves and having a slice of our crust-less pumpkin pie~

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and thank you for being our friends for all of these years♥

Love ya lots♥


Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Tasty Tuesday

 Mom was hungry for baked macaroni and cheese so she searched the intermutts for a recipe.   She still has beer in the frig and found a recipe that used beer!

I love cheese♥

We are cooking the pasta and making the cheese sauce at the same time~
It's ready for the 375 degree oven~
I got to lick the cheesy spoon☺
After 30 minutes, dinner is done!
Oh my.   Mom and I can't wait to dig in!
Best mac-n-cheese ever, mom!

We can definitely recommend this recipe.  You can find it here.   It's is sooooooooo yummy!

Today would have been our Mitch's 14th birthday.   Happy Birthday, Mitchy♥   We miss you lots and lots♥

Love ya lots♥


Sunday, November 22, 2020

Silent Sunday Morning


Love ya lots♥


Friday, November 20, 2020

Nature Friday

 We are joining the LLB Gang this week for Nature Friday~

We found these pretty berries in our back yard a couple of weeks ago~

A few days ago, this was the scene at Landlord Bob's duck pond.   The leaves are all pretty much down now.
We are still finding live greens hiding in the leaves~
The milkweed has 'spoded!
We've had freezing temps the last couple of days and the sun feels so nice on my Airefurs.
Happy Friday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥




Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Tasty Tuesday

 A few days ago, mom made an Oktoberfest soup.  It's a first for us.

One of the ingredients is a carrot.  Who doesn't love carrots!

Another ingredient is cabbage.   haha, mom~

That's more like it  but.............actually, I didn't eat the leaf. I refused it after the first bite.   I prefer spinach leaves.

Ingredients are four large potatoes, diced.  Three medium carrots, diced.   One large yellow onion, diced.   Two garlic cloves, minced.   Ten ounces of Bratwurst, cut into 1/4"  rounds.  Add two cups of chicken broth.   Heat until carrots and potatoes are soft.
Add two bottles of your favorite beer,  1 1/2 Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon of caraway seeds, 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. 

Add half a head of a small green cabbage, that has been sliced and diced.

Cover and simmer the soup till it's done.   

Mom really likes the soup.   It's warm and hardy and very flavorful.   We'll be making this one again!

Happy Tuesday!

Love ya lots♥


Monday, November 16, 2020

Molly Monday

 I have company for the day!   Mom groomed Mackie earlier today and then we went for a nice long walk.

Have a marvelous Monday!

Love ya lots♥

Molly and Mackie

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Frosty Silent Sunday


Love ya lots♥


Friday, November 13, 2020

Nature Friday

 We are joining Sunny this week for Nature Friday.

We had a very foggy morning on Tuesday~

Look what I found.  An eggplant!   How did this get here?
Somebuddy is feasting on Miss Laura's pumpkin!
The wonderful smells of autumn♥

Happy Friday the 13th, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥
