Friday, September 22, 2023

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy and Sunny this week for Nature Friday~~

The latest news is that I WAS limpies.  We had an appointment for me to see my vet on Tuesday and on Tuesday, limpies were history so mom cancelled the appointment.   Yesterday, we were back to limpies.  We haven't been walking very much lately but I'm still doing my high fives! 

Miss Molly Butterfly Bush is still blooming~
Miss Violet is still in bloom too.   Sadly, Miss Ruby is history.   Mom will decide next spring what to plant in her place.  
Our pink Asters are in bloom~
The purple Asters are making quite the showing this year!
Happy Friday, everybuddy!
Love ya lots♥


  1. we love the purple asters... like a purple rain by prince... hugs and a good weekend dear molly..

  2. Pretty pink flowers today Molly, but we are sorry to learn that the limpies have returned. Maybe the cure is to make another vet appointment?
    Nobby (and Gail).

  3. That happened to Madison last winter. Mom decided to keep appointments even if the problem stops as it will for sure come back if you cancel. I got my treatments and have been doing super well ever since. Hope your limp goes away.

  4. We are waving a paw back (well, June is) ... Mom is just typing "hi and hello" ... and what pretty/purrty
    flowers. Hope your limpies get resolved ...

  5. Hari OM
    Paw waves right back at you, Molly dear... with some POTP on the side for the intermittent limpies! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Love your wavy photo sweet Molly and the photos are wonderful. You best get that limpie thing checked out!

  7. Oh no Molly not the limpies again we do hope they get better again. We just love that colour of your Butterfly bush, I am going to have to see if I can find one here in the UK. Our Asters have finally come out and I am so glad as everything else is looking quite brown! Have a wonderful weekend. Love, Susie & Coco xx

  8. Molly my lovely AireGAL we are twin limpies today. We have a lot of rain on the way and my gimpy
    arthritic knee isn't happy. I smell like SalonPas BOL BOL
    You found some lovely poses and I thank you...for all you have shared.
    Healing hugs to you and remember love you lots too

  9. We're sorry to hear you are limping, Molly. Our paws are crossed that you feel better soon. Those are some beautiful flowers you have in bloom still.

  10. Woo know this post is filled with our favorite kholors!

    Hope your limpies will decide what lane they want to be in!

    Watch out for the wet this weekend!


  11. We're sorry you have the on and off limpies Molly, but happy to see you high fiving!
    Thanks for sharing such pretty flowers today!
    Rosy & Sunny

  12. I'm so sorry to hear about the limpies, at the same time your high-fives are just adorable! Please get better soon and I hope walks are easy for you. Thank you for sharing the blooms, they make me happy.

    Love from Japan, Julia

  13. Lulu: "Ooh, slick move, Molly, getting out of your vet appointment by not having the limpies."
    Java Bean: "We hope the limpies go away for real soon though. High five!!!"
