Friday, September 29, 2023

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy today for Nature Friday~~

Tuesday morning, I saw my vet and mom told him all about my limpies.   He stole some blood, prescribed doxycycline and sent us home to wait for results.   We are still waiting and my limpies are not totally gone so no walkies yet.   

In the backyard, the pink Asters are still blooming~
The purple Asters are just gorgeous!  Those dead things over my head are gone-by Coneflowers.   Mom doesn't cut them down in a hurry because the Goldfinches love them.   
Yesterday was a beautiful day to scratch my back on the freshly-cut grass~
Landlord Bob's Roses don't seem to want to quit!  
Happy Friday, everybuddy!
Love ya lots♥


  1. Happy Nature Friday Molly. We're sorry to read that the limpies have not gone away, but are pleased at least that you enjoyed a nice roll on the freshly cut grass!

  2. If you roll around on your back a lot, it won't bother your limp! Hope they can figure it out and it will go away soon so you can get back to your regular fun. Limping is something no one wants to have.

  3. Hari OM
    Sending some POTP your way, Molly dear... and loved seeing you grass-bathing!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx


  5. Dearest Molly...sending purrs that your limpies might go away once the weather cools off some.
    I do so love goldfinch.
    Love you lots Cecilia

  6. Paws khrossed the meds help your limpies -

    Many of the yards in our neighborhood have been invaded by HobbitHouses - AKA 'shrooms!

    AND big kudoes to your mom for letting the birds have some extra treats -


  7. We're sorry to hear you are still limping a bit and hope the vet can figure out the best way to make you feel better, Molly. You sure have some beautiful flowers around you.

  8. Lulu: "The humans love to steal our blood! Poor Oona has to go back to the V-E-T today to get more of her blood stolen because they are trying to figure out what is up with her diarrhea and loose stools."
    Oona: "What?!"
    Lulu: "Ummm, nothing ... Anyway, Molly, we hope your limpies are gone for good soon!"
    Java Bean: "Sí, we sure do!"

  9. Wow, you still have so many pretty flowers Molly!!
    We also love a good roll in freshly mowed grass!
    Rosy and Sunny

  10. Dang sweet girl, I hope your Vet gets on the ball and figures something out for you!

  11. Asters are so pretty purple or pink! Love seeing you happy when you roll on the grass, Molly. May the flowery walks lift your spirit in a special way. I hope you heal soon enough to dash for the falling leaves.

    Hugs, Julia

  12. Hi Molly, I you will feel better soon. Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xxx
