Monday, March 25, 2024

Molly Monday

 Do you see that I have two socks on two different feets?     I don't lick up inside my pads anymore and make it raw.   Now I've decided to just eat the pads off my feets.    Mom says it smells gross and looks sore and horrible and we are washing my feet twice a day trying to keep them from getting infected.  

Destroying my pads has me limping longer and it takes longer to heal.    Mom finally gets one foot healed and I start in on another one.
My vet doesn't want me to wear socks.   He wants the Aire to be able to get at my feet but the carpeting is abrasive and hurts my feet and the grass hurts my feet and the driveway hurts my feet.   Mom doesn't want me to wear the Kong donut 24/7 but what choice does she have.   Walking in the neighborhood is impossible and springtime is here and the weather is going to get nicer and she wants to walk - but not without me.   

You can't hear me, but I'm snoring in this picture.   My hearing is not as sharp as it used to be so mom is able to sneak up on me with the camera. 

Yesterday, she shopped on Amazon for larger cotton crew socks and some sort of self-adhesive pet wrap.     We will be calling my vet again today.    Mom is pretty much at wits end.  

Happy Monday, everybuddy.

Love ya lots♥


  1. Oh dear, poor Molly. We hate to think of those sore paws and Gail knows how Mom will dislike going for walks without her favourite companion. Paws and fingers crossed that the vet can find something to help.

  2. We are so sorry for your pains and your mom feeling helpless. Sometimes we have things that are so tough for humans to figure out. Your paws sound just terrible and so painful. Sending hugs to you and your mom!

  3. Oh Molly -
    Treats NOT pads -
    Please don't make it tough on your mom!


  4. My precious Molly bless your heart. I'm so sorry about the itching it is miserable I know. I hope and pray will lots of vigor mom and the vet come up with a solution.
    Sending lots of love to you both

  5. You poor baby. I know how your mom feels. She's trying to make you as healthy and comfortable as possible. I know she will keep trying to do that.

    Have a woof woof and healthy day and week, Miss Molly. Big hug to your mom. ♥

  6. Java Bean: "Ayyy, Molly, your poor feets! We are sorry you are having so much trouble with them and having to wear the Donut of Shame."
    Charlee: "I feel you, Molly! I had to wear the Cone of Shame for over a week and I hated it!"
    Lulu: "We dogs send lots of tail wags for you and your vet to come up with something that helps you feel better!"
    Chaplin: "And we cats send lots of purrs!"

  7. We're sorry to hear you are attacking your feet, Molly. Our paws are crossed that your mom and your vet can find something to help you.

  8. My dear friend Molly! So sorry to hear your pain. We know that your mom is trying her best. Paws crossed for your speedy recovery from bottom of our hearts. Spring is coming and happy Molly is coming! Juno and mom

  9. Dang sweet Molly, you need to stick to munching on food and treats girl.

  10. Oh sweet Molly, do let your paws heal. You are in my prayers.

  11. I am sorry you're eating your feet. I hope this compulsion care be cured. Vets often have advice with no pratical way to impleitment

  12. Molly and Mom I've been thinking about you both and this terrible itching. I sure do hope there are some answers to help.
    Love you Lots

  13. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Oh no, your poor feets! We hope your mom can find a solution, this sounds very stressful for everyone!

  14. Hari OM
    POTP x 87 gazillion for you darling Molly!!! hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  15. Oh, Molly, we're so sorry to hear that you're causing such problems for your feet. I hope your mom and the vet can find a solution to help your feet heal and to keep you from chewing them again. Prayers for you and your mom. from Nancy and Nona.

  16. Sweet Molly, I’m sorry to hear about your situation. Your feets sound painful even without touching the ground. I hope your vet, or maybe another vet can offer helpful opinion. One thing at a time, get the paws healed first. Walks can come later.

    I hope you both rest well at night,

  17. Oh dear! So sorry about your paw pads! Ouch! Sure hope you heal fast!

  18. Oh no you need to nibble on something else. Although I will say those neck collars are so much better than the cone of shame. Coco had one when she was spayed and she was so much better in it. I do hope you find a solution to this. Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx
