Thursday, April 18, 2024

Good-by My Best Friend

 Getting out of bed this morning without Molly was not easy.   I found myself looking at the clock and remembering the day before what we were doing before we headed to the vet's office.  

This is our first picture together.   We had just left the breeders house and on our way home~

When I left Molly's dad and we moved to our apartment, it was the first time that I had ever been on my own but it was okay because I had Molly by my side.  

This was the lockscreen photo on my computer from seven years ago and it's still there today~

We were in Hamden for a year before I started looking for a small house or apartment in Molly's old stomping grounds so we could walk the routes that she grew up with.   Landlord Bob's house became available and we both took a ride to see the house and for Bob to meet Molly and the rest is history.  We were here together for six years and we loved every minute of being together.  

Many of you probably don't know but Molly and Mitch both passed on the very same day - April 17th.   Mitch passed in 2016 and Molly in 2024.    They were best friends as long as food wasn't involved.  
Whatever will I do when I need my tasteTester?
Who will sit in front of me and beg for the last spoonful or forkful of my meals?
Who will let me know when a stink bug needs disposing of or there's a fly in the house or a ladybug crawling in the window?

I am happy you will never be frightened by thunder storms or fireworks ever again but I will miss you wanting to climb into my lap for kisses and hugs.  

I want to thank Ann for the beautiful artwork tribute and for our many many blog headers throughout the years.   You are an absolute brilliant artist, Miss Ann!

I wanted to share one more photo of my sassy Molly~

"Remember me with tears and laughter.   Remember me though it hurts to do so because the pain you have is equal to the love we shared. 
There is no good-by if you carry me in your heart.
Remember all the joy we shared because there was so much of it for both of us. 
~~Herbie Longfellow Alderdice~~

Good-by my precious and best friend♥
Until we meet again~~

Your mom, who misses you more than life itself♥


  1. Much love and tons of hugs from all of us. We're sure going to miss your beautiful girl.

  2. Dearest Molly's mom - We have been thinking about you all day and wishing there was something we could do to ease the ache. We want to thank you for sharing Mitch and Molly with us. . Through your pups and especially Molly, we have gotten to see part of your life. It has been a true pleasure to share your joys and pains, love and laughter. Know your girl, a pup we never had the pleasure of meeting in person, brought so much joy to us. What a gift you have given us. Lee and Phod and their Lady

  3. ~ sending you so, so much love through a lot of tears ~

  4. Sue your love for Molly and her love for you shone brightly thru all the posts, pictures,
    recipes and walks you posted....
    Molly you were a ray of sunshine each day I visited to read about your activities.
    Sue I didn't remember that Mitch passed on April 17.... My goodness me I'm so very sorry you have double the saddness.

    M om loved you the most
    O hyou will be so missed
    L ove is the word that best describes you
    L oved lots by all who knew you
    Y ou always made me smile when you signed off with
    Love you Lots
    Molly to you I say I loved you lots.
    Hugs and love to Angel Molly and her best friend Mom Sue.

  5. You are in our thoughts and prayers, Sue, and I am familiar with the sorrow you're feeling. Blessings to you.

  6. nononononononoooooooo
    crying with you
    she is a beautiful spirit, playing my my Cole-buddy in Heaven because spirit goes on when the body dies. I feel you loss, I feel your love because I loved her from afar.
    virtual hug, call me anytime if you just want to chat. you have my email I think...
    LeeAnna at notafraidofcolor, (and Milo)

  7. I loved Miss Molly too. Big healing hugs to her wonderful mom. ♥

  8. It's always sad to read about the loss of a dog, but saying goodbye to Molly seems particularly difficult. Is is because she was an Airedale? (If I had a pound or dollar for every time I'd been asked if my fox terrier was a Airedale I'd be rich by now) Is it because I can relate to the 'single woman losing beloved canine companion pup' situation? Maybe so. More likely it's simply that Molly was adorable, and I loved everything about her.
    This post is a beautiful tribute, but no more than she deserved.
    Sending love and hugs.

  9. Oh Sue, I am crying just reading this. Molly was such a wonderful girl and we are all going to miss her. It never gets any easier saying goodbye. We shall really miss the wonderful pictures of Molly every day. We are sending you lots of hugs, across the pond. Susie & Coco xxxx

  10. How we wish we knew what to say to help your heart. We keep trying to think about the good times and it helps a bit. But memories are bittersweet. Molly was a joy to you and she will remain that way in your heart forever. At least now she is happy and painfree with Mitch and Maggie. Soft woos and gentle hugs from us .

    Hugs and woos - Misty and Timber

  11. Hari OM
    A beautiful tribute to a very special galdog. I still miss my angel Jade, albeit as many years passed as we were together, now. There's a special place in the heart for the furkids, is it not so? Sending lots of Love for you in this time of deepest sorrow, YAM xx

  12. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl.XO

  13. A beautiful tribute to your fur baby. Cyber hugs coming your way.

  14. We checked this morning - but NAL's Mom Kathie told me this was here -
    NAM would be so honored - so proud - so tickled - and we so understand the missing EYES as you did everything - Willow has become that with me - and as I said to Kathie, we all have our quirks so why should our furries be any different - and I honestly was thinking of you - for that first 'the new normal day' and had planned to write tonight to check on you - and now I can not stop thinking of Warren Zevon's 'Keep Me In Your Heart " Sometimes when you're doin' simple things around the house Maybe you'll think of me and smile You know I'm tied to you like the buttons on your blouse Keep me in your heart for a while -

    Thanks for giving NAM a pawsome life - and we thank her for doing the same for you -
    but from the day we bring them home, we know this day is coming - and we make a promise to them -

    Please have 'Sissie' give you a big hug from us' - and please keep your heart and eyes open for your next kitchen assistant

    Willow & Phyll

  15. Dear Sue... We've known each other for a very long time since DWB time and this news is hard to accept. We're so sad for the passing of your beautiful Molly. She'll be remembered along with her lovely siblings forever. Hugs. Juno, Angel Momo, Pinot and mum

  16. This is not a goodbye or even a till we meet again. Molly is alive and well in your heart and will always be right there when you need her. Sending hugs...

  17. Such a lovely tribute to your sweet Molly. We will miss hearing about your walks together and the joy she had playing in your yard. She sure took her job as taste tester and food critic seriously and we love seeing her enjoy her piece of your makes. We hope that soon the ache will be gone and you can just remember the fun times you two had together. Sending healing hugs your way.

  18. Forgetting you is impossible. You will always be in our hearts.

  19. Hugs, dear friend. No words can ease your pain, for Molly has been a very special airegirl, and what a lot of joy she has brought to your life. I love the poem' Remember me ’, and hope that memories of her bring you comfort. You are allowed lots of time to miss Molly, blog about your memories and celebrate her still, we miss her too.. Thank you for sharing Molly with us, and teach us about love.

    Miss Ann's artwork caught my eye right away. I realized that I’m going to miss your artwork too.

    Our dear ones never really left has, they stay in our hearts forever.

  20. I forgot to tell you that I really love that screen photo and the wonderful message. I believe sweet Molly is nodding too.💗

    Tight hugs,

  21. we all send hugs to you during this very difficult time, Molly was a beautiful
    girl. we are truly sorry. dude, boomer, dai$y, tuna, sauce, mackerull and the
    girl laura 💖💖💖

  22. My heart and thoughts continue to hold you and Molly. There has been a gentle sweetness and laughter here with Molly. She is simply lovable. Your first picture with her says it all. Take good care of yourself and I hope you will continue to post.

  23. I didn't know Molly, but what a lot of love she inspired. Godspeed, Molly, and watch over your mum until you meet her again.

  24. So sorry for the loss of you beautiful girl. Soft Pawkisses to comfort you🐾😽💞
    Fly free beautiful Soul✨

  25. I am so very sorry for the loss of your Molly girl. May the passage of time replace your current sorrows with all the wonderful memories you shared. Sending gentle thoughts of comfort. 💔

  26. Gorgeous wings on Molly. 💗 No more limpies, and I can imagine her flying-running free with Mitch and Maggie. I noticed a new momento for Molly, and I realized both Molly and Mom are so loved.

    Thinking of you,

  27. We are so furry sorry. We did not know Molly, but We can see she was greatly beloved and that you miss her furry much. We send you soft purrs of comfort and pawkisses.And We wanted to tell you that she will always be with you, watching over you from the Rainbow Bridge, until the day you are reunited for effur more. Meanwhile, run free, Angel Molly - in the endless sunshine and grassy fields beyond the Rainbow Bridge, now young and healthy again for all eternity.

  28. We are so sorry to hear that sad news about Molly.

  29. We are all so very sorry for your loss. Mom can't imagine not having at least one of us here to keep her company. You and Molly had something very special and she will always be with you in your heart. She is at peace now with all her itching and issues, and she loved you so very much. Lots of GBGV hugs to you.

  30. Many tears... The second I saw the picture of you and Molly I could feel the love between you. Molly was so very lucky to have you by her side. You all made so many memories together. My heart goes out to you as caring for an aging pup can be one of the hardest things to experience. I have been catching up with your posts and you managed her dementia with so much care and compassion. We have never met in person but I feel like I have lost one of my own. I know Mitch was there welcoming her. I'll be sure to whisper to Addie and Lucie to go meet her as well. BIG BIG hugs to you. Please know you are not alone. We are here for you. ... tears...

  31. Lulu: "Aww, what a wonderful tribute to our sweet friend Molly."
    Java Bean: "Ayyy, sí, we sure will miss her!"
    Chaplin: "We can't believe it's been eight years since Mitch went to the Rainbow Bridge! It seems like just yesterday!"
    Charlee: "We can just imagine the happy reunion when Molly got there! No need for them to squabble about food at Tucker's Everlasting Rainbow Bridge Buffet!"
    Lulu: "We send lots of tail wags your way."
    Oona: "And Oona and the Hipsters send lots of purrs!"

  32. Hi human friend, Ojo here. My person has tears in her eyes and can't type. We both know that words cannot express what kind of loss this is. I know, because I have lost my best dog friend, that Molly is still with you, now and always. We are sending many licks and wags and much love and care in this very hard time.

  33. We are so sorry to read about Molly. She has already met Bosco, Hershey and Kaci and Bosco is showing Molly how much she loved playing ball. Bosco passed away March 11, 2006 and Hershey passed away March 11, 2022. Healing kisses and paw hugs from the other side of Connecticut. XXOOXXOO Hershey and Kaci and older sister Bosco too.
