Friday, April 26, 2024

Nature Friday

 I've been walking pretty much every day since Molly passed.    This morning, I found a feather telling me that Molly was walking right beside me♥   I bought a Viburnum bush a couple of weeks ago.   It's still very small but it's blooming and the flowers are so fragrant!

Miss Dotty's Hyacinths are still in bloom~
Miss Amy's double Daffy is so pretty~
The Magnolia is in bloom in our back yard~
The Weeping Cherry is so pretty~
The Star Magnolia near Tom and Judy's house is flowering~
The pink Bleeding Heart that I planted last year made it through the winter~
The mailman brought the most wonderful card from Kathie, Misty and Timber.  The words couldn't be more perfect and I was in tears once again.  I know they are having just as hard a time with the loss of Lightning that I'm having with Molly.   Thank you so very much♥  Your beautiful card means so much to me♥
A small package arrived with the most gorgeous garden flags!  They are from our friends, Phyll and Willow.   They are too beautiful to put outside!   I decided that I will get ONE garden flag holder and see how that goes☺   Thank you so much, Phyll and Willow.  Phyll, you are always so kind and thoughtful♥ My favorite flower is the Poppy and the  purple Iris's will forever remind me of Angel Khyra♥    
I have the best friends in this whole wide world.  Thank you so much♥



  1. Of course Molly was walking right beside you, and sniffing all the beautiful spring flowers.

  2. What a beaWOOtiful post! And it smells good too!

    We are so glad the flags arrived - and are as lovely as we had hoped they would be - one of us always recalls your Poppy pic posts - so it was a natural - and NAK added the PURPLE irises - there were so many purrfect things in

    We can't wait to see out there waving hi from Connect The Dots!

    Willow & Phyll

  3. One of the greatest joys of having a fur baby is we get to see the world through their eyes. Molly would have loved finding that feather.

  4. Sue I just adored the words about the feather telling you Molly was there with you. I know you smilled thinking of all the brisk and fun walks you two shared over the years. Lovely posies and such wonderful thoughtful and loving friends remembering you and Molly whom we all loved LOTS
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Java Bean: "Ayyy, so many beautiful flowers to see! That one looks like it is orange in the middle ― our Dada approves!"
    Lulu: "Your cards and garden flags are beautiful, and we love mini-Molly with her tennis balls!"

  6. I love viburnums; I was so pleased when we finally got one a few years ago and it has grown quickly. Bleeding hearts are another favorite though we have the wild variety here on the coast of Northern California. Your garden flags are so pretty!

  7. You sure have lots of beautiful things in bloom around you. What beautiful cards and flags your friends gave you.

  8. What beautiful flowers, and we agree...Molly was walking right next to you!
    Beth and the Girls

  9. Hari OM
    That was a shower of blossomed blessings which came with the feather spirit! YAMxx

  10. Such pretty flowers and such nice gifts from wonderful friends.

  11. You found all the flowers that Mom truly loves, especially the magnolia. Wasn't that so special to find the feather. We know that Molly is right there with every step you take and guiding you to find all the pretty blooms. Her spirit will always be with you and within you.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. Molly is golng to use the flowers to show you her love.

  13. The feather must be from Molly's wings. 💗 I’m glad that you let Molly follow you on your walk still. It's very comforting to know that you are surrounded by people who care deeply about you, and your tender heart stays open. I know that your cheerful spirit will find you again.

    Good job for the walks, let nature heal you,

  14. Good for you to be out walking. Mom would never walk if she didn't have a dog or another person. Molly is definitely with you and she will keep sending you signs.
