Monday, December 9, 2024

An Early Christmas Pressie

 I'm not exactly sure that I like this pressie, mom.

She says they are too tight on my front feets because of my dew claws so we will be getting a larger size.  

I was trying to take one off while she was trying to get the next one on.
I only have 3 boots on in this photo ☺
I hope the rest of my pressies are more fun than this one, mom!

Love ya lots♥


  1. Oh dear, boots! We just uhave the PAWS boots that we wear at most a couple times in the winter. Mom doesn't like coats or boots on us and we don't need them thankfully. Hope you adapt to your boots.

  2. boots are always good but we sure hope for some tasty things from santa

  3. Hari OM
    If it gets really icy where you are, Duke, you may come to appreciate those boots... jus' sayin'... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. BOL BOL BOL Duke anything that requires messing with da paws and keeping you still is a questionable pressie. BUT I bet $$ to donuts there are some fun pressies to come
    Love you lots

  5. Boots are a necessary evil that we have to endure during the winter. Ours only get worn if the temps drop into the teens or lower. You do look cute in yours, Duke.

  6. Our Angel Little Bit hated these. She said no and that was that. You're so handsome, Duke.

    I linked this post to Awww Mondays.

    Have a woof woof day and week. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥

  7. Oh Duke....we bet they are annoying BUT, they will help keep all the icky chemicals, sand and ice off your paws in the winter!
    Rosy & Sunny

  8. BOOTS! We think the Nutcase should get a pair...Mom wants to take her to the pet store to try them on, but that will not happen this winter. Mom won't be walking for another couple of months. Duke, you look marvelous darling! Keeep being awesome! Marvelous Marv, Kozmo, Jo Jo, Nutcase er Nutmeg and Mom Barb

  9. Mom will make sure you get the right boots. As for these, they will be for stuffing your Christmas pressies.πŸ˜†

    I hope they stretch,😝

  10. those are just like Milo's. He got to where he'd run from us if boots were involved. They were involved when ice or tall snow was there and he got used to them but always hated them. They were tough and lasted, Laughed when you said he had one off by the time you got the others on.

  11. Lulu: "Three out of four isn't bad, Duke. 75% is a passing grade!"

  12. Looking stylish, Duke, but this is one pressie we hope our Mom doesn't decide she needs to find too:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  13. Those boots will keep your feet warm and dry out of the snow or the cold weather but I know what you mean, Coco is not a fan of anything she has to wear, including her coat when it is pouring with rain! Although I do make sure she wears it so she does not get ill!!! She is not happy with hats or bandanas although she does leave those alone eventually. I am sure Santa Paws will bring you some other presents you will love. Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx
