Friday, December 27, 2024

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy and Sunny this week for Nature Friday~~

Miss Laura has huge ornies hanging from her trees!

We did find mushroom growth~
One more African Violet has blossoms on it☺
Why aren't these Canada geese afraid of me and flying off?
Happy Friday, everyone.   I am officially eleven months old today!

Love ya lots♥


  1. We like the large light bulbs. Mom has giant ornaments that sometimes she puts out for Christmas on big trees. Canadian geese are awful creatures. Sure, they are pretty but they are mean to humans and animals and very messy. We wish they would go back to Canada and stay there.

  2. Hari OM
    Trust me, Duke, you don't want to think about tangling with those geese! I love your Santa hat necklet. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Duke Happy 11months to you.
    The ornies are quite pretty and as for the Geese..........well this is a family blog so I won't say what I really think, but dag blasted they can be so aggravating. When I was still gainfully employed I had to play hop scotch over the poop every day as I walked from the parking deck to my office
    Tell Mom she has a new name Queen Violet
    Hugs and love you lots

  4. What a great winter stroll -

    Those hissing cobra chickens aren't right - that's why they aren't afraid of you - but see if you can't send 'em to Flor-ie-duh!

    Happy 11 months Khutie!


  5. Woo-hoo, 11 months already! That means a certain BIG DAY is getting close. I wish I could grow beautiful violets like your mom does.

  6. You found some nice nature to show us. We love those pretty flowers and your holiday scarf, Duke.

  7. What nice winter nature, and beautiful violets!
    Happy 11 month birthday, Duke.
    Rosy & Sunny

  8. Happy eleven months Dandy Duke! Enjoy your nature fun!!!

  9. What a handsome boy you are! You have big shoes to fill, with the wonderful dogs that have gone before you, but I'm sure you'll be up to the job. Have a happy Christmas season and a lovely birthday soon to come. (This is parlance/Catherine from Penny and Peppa's blog.)

  10. Duke, those Canadian geese are stubborn critters. It doesn't to try and chase them.

  11. We hope you enjoyed your first Christmas. Chase those geese off! They leave too much poop. Lee and Phod

  12. Happy (albeit belated) 11th month birthday. Your Canadian Geese must have relatives in Denver-they don't seem afraid of us one bit. We avoid them-they are crabbish if we get too close.
    Your fur-iends,
    Elsa & Wilson 🐾

  13. Happy 11th month old, even your African violets are thriving for your birthday!💐 On one occasion when I was safeguarding the swans, someone brought a puppy. The swans were startled and fled within a minute. Are you a quiet boy? The Canada geese appear cool with you.

    Putting away my ornies and the tree,

  14. Lulu: "We have heard that Canada geese have a pretty serious attitude problem!"
    Java Bean: "Ayyy, maybe that's why Canadians are so nice ― the geese soak up all the meanness in the country and there's none left for them!"
