On a positive note - I hear that pizza is on the menu for dindin tonight! whooooooohooooo Mitch and I will be giving thanks for that too!
So until next time....................
Love ya lots,
And Mitch even got a super duper card from Asta! She's been so busy with her own mom's pawty and she stopped what she was doing to send Mitch a card! You're the sweetest, Asta!Okay, Maggie, I can speak for myself now! Thank you Happy and Faya and Dyos and Asta for my beautiful birthday cards! I love them all! My 2nd birthday was the best ever!
So until next time....................
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
2 pounds Seedless red grapes, sliced in half lengthwise, 2 cups miniature marshamallows, cut in half, 1 can pineapple chunks or slices, chopped in small pieces, 1 cup of walnut pieces and 1 small package of vanilla instant pudding.
Here it comes! Catch it, Mitch!
What an athlete that boy is!We'll have to let you know how the salad turns out!
Have a happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate the holiday!
Love, Autumn
Yup, look at her smiling away! Wasn't it just the best, Maggie!I've got to get every single morsel! We don't want to miss a crumb! Mom wants to add that I weigh 66 pounds and she's hoping that's the limit for me now that I'm 2 and hopefully full- grown! Keep feeding me all of this good stuff and I doubt it, mom! And she also wants to add that I'm 26" to the withers, whatever that means!
What a fun day I'm having! I hope it never ends! Thank you all for your birthday wishes! I love you all!
Yer friend,
So until tomorrow, when it will be Mitch's 2nd birthday....................
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Maggie and I were awarded this awesome bone award from our good friends, Lady Zena, Cody and Joyce! Thank you so very, very much, guys! We are honored!We would like to award this to any doggie that visits our blog! You're all such good friends and we appreciate and love you all!
The countdown continues...............
Yer friend,
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch