Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Happy Birthday, Wyatt

Today is our friend, Wyatt's birthday!   He's three!  We'll be spending our day at the Wyatt County Fair with him and having a great time eating all kinds of fAire foods that mom would NEVER let us have and we'll be going on the ferris wheel and the rollie coaster and having the time of our lives!

I picked flowers from our garden early this morning and have entered them in hopes that my arrangement will get me a pretty ribbon!

And I have an entry in the quilts and crafts.  This is the Dale runner that's on our kitchen table.  I sure hope it takes a ribbon too!
And Mitch has entered his most perfect apples hoping to snag a blue ribbon!

We are ready to pawty with Wyatt and Stanzie!

Hope to see you at the fAire!

We snagged a picture from cousin Trish of our dad and Jeff at the barn raising.   Jeff is the owner of this beautiful building.
This is the barn at the end of Saturday.  The timber framers are fast workers and they do beautiful work!
And this is the end of day #2, which was this past Sunday.  Afterwards was the huge barn pawty. Dad said that the chicken and pulled pork was fabulous!

So until next time............
Love ya lots,

Maggie and Mitch


  1. Mum and I really enjoyed watchin' that barn get built - talk about people POWER!!

    We had a great time at Wyatt's County Fair didn't we....mum is hoping for some ribbons for her baked goods...hope you do OK too!

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie.

  2. Many hands.........

    Hope you win some ribbons too.

    xXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  3. You should definitely win ribbons! Boy, those timber framers sure work fast! It's amazing how much work they got done in just two days!

    Penny & Patches

  4. You have GOT to win a blue ribbon for that runner! It is gorgeous!

  5. Wow...we don't know whether we are more impressed with the runner, Mitch's apples or the barn. You are a buzy aire-buncg


  6. Yeah for Whyatts birthday! We will head on over and wish him many happies on his blog. Good luck with your entries - hope you win some ribbons and hope you have a pawsome time with whyatt and stanzie

  7. What nice flowers you gave Wyatt. Hope you get some pretty ribbons with your entries. Our mom loves the pictures of the barn:)

    Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill

  8. You entered wonderful stuff for Wyatt's Birthday party. I'm sure you guys will win nice blue ribbons.
    WOW that barn raising was such a good idea. Went up fast. Thanks for showing us how it all works.
    Congrats to your dad, he's a great motivator!

  9. Maggie and Mitch-

    Thanks for coming to my fair! Too bad the timber framers couldn't enter that barn for a ribbon, that is a winner! See you tomorrow for the fair entries :)

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  10. Love the photo of them all on the barn;)
    I tell yea I'm getting a little to dizzy on then rides!!!
    Better ease up on the food and drink!!

  11. Maggie and Mitch! Thank you for your barkday wishes to our brudder.... now it's our turn to say happy hapy birthday, Wyatt!!!

    We love the picture of the header. Very sweet!

    Momo & Pinot xoxo

  12. Hi Maggie and Mitch, we're very impressed with the skill and expertise that everyone shows in the barn raising. We also think that your dad is extremely talented and a great project director. My dad's tummy is making noises - he must be thinking about the chicken and pulled pork :)

  13. That barn photo - day 2 - gave me goose bumps. We just don't see people coming together to help each other very often. We know they do, but it's often online. Nice to see concrete evidence!!

  14. Hope you both win lots of ribbons at Wyatts Fair! I entered my chicken.

    The barn rasing looks amazing. Mom said she would have loved to see that in person.

    Hope that you both got a bit of the chicken and pork!

    woos, Tessa

  15. What an awesome barn raising!!! Meet you at the corndog stand?

  16. We snagged a taste of your pawesome apples, and we agreee - they deserve a blue ribbone for sure. Wasn't this fair the best way to celebrate Wyatt's birthday? It has been so much fun.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  17. The fair was so much fun! I know you'll get lots of ribbons.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  18. Between all the entertaining and Mom's work things, I'm missing out on so much fun ;-(

    I'm bummed I didn't get to Wyatt's fAIRE -

    Great pikhs!


  19. Maggie and Mitch, you have a very good Dad there !!! I love to see a man build things!!!!
    We have been to Wyatt's fair today to help him celebrate his birthday!!! So fun!!!
    xx, Tinker & Fern

  20. Zowie! Look at that barn, will ya?

    I'm going over to visit Wyatt right now.


  21. The second last picture looks like so much FUN!

  22. Wish we could go to the Faire. It sure smells good when we drive by and we'd love to taste all the food.
    Morgan, Tsar and the Porties

  23. Thanks for sharing the barn raising photos-we always enjoy...from the safety and comfort of our seat at the computer while you all are so hard at work:-)!)

  24. Rollie Coaster- don't do it! There's no bones up there , just cold air!
