Monday, December 28, 2020

Molly Monday

 Mom gave me a bath and groomed me this past weekend.   Thankfully, the weather won't be freezing this week.  The saddest thing is that my snow is all gone except for a patch here and there. 

Her latest puzzle which sure is pink!   I learned lots of new HBO words until she got the hang of it☺
Happy Monday, everybody!

Love ya lots♥


Saturday, December 26, 2020

Pressies from Treacle

 A couple of weeks ago, a parcel arrived at our house at 7 am.  It was from our bestest friends in the UK - Treacle and her mom, Miss Susie.   

Their Christmas card is always so original and so pretty~
I'm not a good pressie opener like you are, Treacle.    I'm lazy and always want mom to do it for me.
What do you mean we don't get to open it now!

The yummy cookie crumbs are the same color as the carpet.  I need to find every single one of them!
Miss Susie sent mom strawberry champagne preserves that she can't wait to smear on her morning toast.    I"m still looking for more cookie crumbs, mom~
Another pressie for me☺
It's the cutest little grey sheepie that is so soft.   I love her, Treacle♥
Miss Susie also sent mom Christmas coffee, which she says is so smooth and absolutely delicious!
They also sent flapjack biscuits.    Open this canister up now, mom!
Mom won't be sharing these with me.  They contain no-no ingredients for pups.  That's okay.   I have my own huge bone cookies☺

Thank you, thank you for all of our wonderful Christmas pressies, Miss Susie and Treacle.  We love them all and will be enjoying them and thinking of you with every bite and sip.

Let's play ball, mom!
I"m ready and waiting~
Got it!

Best Christmas ever!

Love ya lots♥

Molly and mom

Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas

 The Ricotta Almond Christmas cake is ready~

Mom says that I'm always the bestest helper ever!

I hope that Santa is good to all of you!

Love ya lots♥


Thursday, December 24, 2020

Enjoying My Snow

 My beautiful snow is going to disappear with the warm temps and rain that will be happening today so I wanted to enjoy it one more time before it all melted. 

Merry Christmas Eve, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Our Holiday Card

Merry Christmas to all~

Love ya lots♥


Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Christmas in Heaven

 Miss Anni's blog post this morning touched us so much that mom stopped everything that she was SUPPOSED to be doing to prepare for Christmas Eve to create~    Miss Anni found this at  Miss Ann's blog.

We just love it♥

Molly and mom

Monday, December 21, 2020

My Talented Gram

 Nothing makes mom happier than to see all of her mom's beautiful handmade Christmas ornaments each year.  She was one very talented and crafty lady!  She's been gone four years now and we miss her a lot.

Gram loved to save beautiful cards and she would trace them onto very thin wood that she cut out on her own little jigsaw and then she would paint them white and then she would do pen and ink and "wash" them with color. 
Some of them are so fragile that you have to be ever so careful.
Each and every one of them makes mom smile.

Mom has many of Gram's handmade ornaments and she feels so fortunate to be the caretaker of them. 

Do you see that garland over the covered fireplace?  Gram also made cross-stitched ornaments.

These are a few of them. 

We sure do love Christmas time.  

Happy first day of Winter!

Love ya lots♥


Sunday, December 20, 2020

Silent Snowy Sunday

Love ya lots♥


Friday, December 18, 2020

I Got Snow

 We got hammered with snow Wednesday night and into Thursday morning.   It is very cold and blustery and wind chills were in the single digits.    We easily got a foot of snow but it wasn't as light and fluffy as the weather peeps predicted.

I love eating snow!
The weather babblers weren't sure whether this was considered a blizzard or not. Seems like it to us!  Snow pounded all four sides of our house!

There isn't anywhere to go to escape the deep snow.

I thought staying close to the house would be a good idea.   No, I am not lying down.   I'm stuck!

I gotta get outta here!
I made it☺
To make this a Nature Friday post - this is Mr and Mrs Robin's nest covered in snow.
All snow lovers are welcome to come and play in my snow with me!   I have enough to keep everybuddy happy!

Happy snowy Friday!

Love ya lots♥
