Friday, July 21, 2023

Nature Friday

 Trees are nature, right?   Yesterday, mom watched my sissy's boyfriend take down a tree for Landlord Bob.  His company name is Tree Climbing Specialist and he sure was!

He has so many heavy tools that he uses strapped to his body as he climbs higher and higher.

It's amazing to watch how precise he swings and lands each and every branch!
His helper, Matt, was dragging the branches, along with his other duties, to Landlord Bob's waiting tractor.

Landlord Bob was working too and dragging all of the branches to his woods.  He made multiple trips.  
Tommy was constantly planning his next move.
Would you do this for a living?   Not me - but he was fearless and so good at his craft!
There she goes~~
There are Rose of Sharon trees right where this branch is falling and mom bet for sure, they would be hit.  Nope -  not one flower was touched!
Finally - after two hours, Tommy is down safely on the ground.
As mom was returning home, she couldn't help but take pictures of Landlord Bob's, beautiful Rose of Sharon flowers. 
He has double Rose of Sharon blossoms!
And so you don't forget what I look like☺
Happy Friday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥


  1. Those tree guys are very talented. They are as comfy climbing around trees as a squirrel. It is always sad to see a big tree taken down, but it must have been necessary. Have a fun weekend!

  2. Hari OM
    That's quite some work going on there! Well documented, Molly and mum... the best piccie is you at the end, of course! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. He's a human KHAT!

    It definitely is a talent which takes lots of planning - and all that!

    SO happy to see the most pawesome NATURE 'girrrl' in your neighborhood!

    Mom says thanks for 'planting' the ideas for one of our CSA swaps - we can't wait to see them - and KNOW you'll approve -
    AND thank dog The Roofer's guttergroup now goes with six inch ones instead of the old standard of five -


  4. Molly and Sue I do so watch with great interest when there is tree work in progress and I always say prayers for their safety and for the fact that there are people like Sissy's best beau who do the work with such skill putting trees down w/o damaging anything else.. Those were a busy bunch of men.
    NO WAY WOULD I EVEN touch a chain saw much less climb a tree with it.
    Love you Lots

  5. That is one skilled tree guy you have there. We've watched many times as all the ash trees around us have had to be taken down. Thankfully, the Rose of Sharon was untouched.

  6. Chaplin: "Wow, humans sure need a lot of gear to climb a tree. With our fancy claws, we could go right up it."
    Java Bean: "Ayyyy, and could you get back down again?"
    Lulu: "And could you cut off the branches that need to be cut?"
    Chaplin: ".... Shut up."

  7. We could never forget your beautiful moozle, Molly...That must have been so cool to watch the tree come down branch by branch!
    Rosy & Sunny

  8. Isn't it amazing how those guys take down a big tree? We enjoyed watching a crew like that take down the gigantic silver maple in our yard a few years ago.

  9. Well I just love climbing. I have an adventurous spirit and I think that job would suit me perfectly.
    Gail thinks the Rose of Sharon blooms are pretty.

  10. WOW, that tree climber is very impressive, that's an art and a skill!

  11. We had our trees trimmed last year and it was fascinating watching them, although our trees are not as tall as this one was. Great pictures and we look see you Molly you are the best bit. Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx
