Monday, January 22, 2024

Molly Monday

 Not another stoopid hat!

I hear the chickens that live next door chatting away to each other!
Come on in, mom.   The snow is warm and delightful!
Ahhhhhhhhhh - this is the life!
I think the birdies need more seed!
Once we got back inside and all of our winter gear taken off - this happened~
Happy Monday!

Love ya lots♥


  1. Hi Molly,
    Good to see you all togged up for the wintry conditions.
    And that looks like a fun toy.

  2. We are thankful we don't have to wear coats or boots when we go out. Our furs keep us plenty warm. It looks like you are really enjoying your puzzle toy.

  3. Hari OM
    OH fun!!!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. The winter gear helps you get more snow rolls without getting too cold, Molly. I love sweet mom's thoughtfulness. Games with treats after walkies? You have days like holidays!

    Keep warm and have fun, Julia

  5. SCORE!

    Paws khrossed for the ice to leave your driveway -

    Be careful!


  6. Molly OMDs I love your winter fashion. The blue looks very nice with your furs and your boots well you know me anything with a hit of red is my choice. Thank goodness Mom did not decide to join you in the snow. I really don't like ice so sending warm thoughts.
    OMDs that treat gizmo is wonderful. Wonder if the make them for humans? I'd love one that dispenses chocolate. BOL BOL
    Love you lots

  7. Lulu: "More snow! I would roll around in it just like that!"
    Java Bean: "Ayyy, that food toy looks like it could also be a musical instrument. The Foodaphone, maybe!"

  8. I like you hat sweet Molly and I really like you fun video!

  9. You sure were enjoying that snow and you look cute in your hat, Molly. What a fun toy you have. We need to get one of those to keep us entertained in the winter too.

  10. What a cool toy, Molly!!! We ove being out in the snow too, but Mom just can't understand how poor old Lightning loves to be out there the longest.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  11. that is a super toy!!! and we love your coat and thsi super hat that is very stylish...

  12. Molly plus Snow, a roll in the snow, super fun! And look at you with your toy, you go girl!!!

  13. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Snow! Lying in snow! Sun! Walk! Food puzzle! What a good day! (Sorry about the hat!)

  14. What a cool toy, Molly, and it looks like you really enjoyed the snow! We love all your winter gear!
