Monday, August 5, 2024

Meow Monday

 Mom has always wanted to play with the AI stuffs and she finally figured it out at fotor.  

She uploaded this photo~

And this is what she got.  
She wasn't pleased with the background so she changed it and now she likes it even better!
She thought that it came out pretty good so she tried another photo~
And look what was generated!!!    What!!!!!!!
Something doesn't look quite right here!   I think you have the wrong pet species!   The last time I looked, I was still a dog!

Love ya lots♥


  1. Duke, please please please confirm that you are still a dog In Real Life....

  2. wow you are super tiger doggy,... you look like a movie star ... maybe that really will happen?

  3. That second one is a weird dog or cat, LOL! We haven't done much with AI. Mom tried a couple times a while ago and got bad results like that second photo of yours. Maybe one day she will try to figure it out.

  4. Lol, the tiger one is soooo funny, I guess your pup has a lil tiger in her! Your pup is adorable, thanks so much for sharing, really put a smile on my face!

    xoxo, MidoriLinea

  5. Hari Om
    The first try gave you inside out ears! As for the hybrid... What's it to be called? Doger, or Tidog. Maybe the latter, as you do look tie-dyed!!! Can't improve on the original I think. Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Ha Ha! That is pretty funny! It morphed you from Duke to Tigger! We are not fond of AI as we think our friends look better as they are.


  7. You are adorable sweet Dandy Duke and you make a terrific tiger!

  8. Mom did a great job. I'm still trying to figure it out. Well done.

    I linked this post to Awww Mondays.

    Have a woof woof day and week, Duke. Scritches to you and a big hug to mom. ♥

  9. Bravo Sue!!! It is such fun to play with and actually blows my simple mind not really sure how it works.
    Duke mom did a great job of describing you to AI
    BOL BOL well until you ended up changing species
    Love you lots

  10. Oh no! That AI machine turned you into a tiger. We still think the original pictures are the best, Duke.

  11. Tiger Duke is pretty...but the real Duke is the best!!
    Rosy & Sunny

  12. Hi Hi Duke!! During my long absence from bloggy (sorry!!), you have grown so much. Mom heard about that AI thingy but hasn't tried. Your mom did a great job, Duke. Have a wonderful summer my friend! :)

  13. Well, at least it would make a great Halloween costume:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  14. Chaplin: "Wow, Duke! Welcome to the cat club! You will get all kinds of great benefits now, just don't actually mention anything about how you're really still a dog ..."

  15. Mom is so good at this, I love the pink sky that goes with your collar. I had a good laugh with your tiger version. 😂


  16. I love this picture for your profile, so regal and handsome. Mom's artwork makes you look like a Disney character.🥰

    It's so hot in Japan, take care over there!

  17. The first picture made you look like a character out of a Disney movie but the second one made you definitely look like a Tiger! Although I think you look good as a Tiger I know what your Mom means!!! Can't wait to see what else you come up with. Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx
