Friday, August 23, 2024

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy and Sunny this week for Nature Friday~~

Mom was picking up sticks in the yard one day before she had to mow and came across these beauties in our small woods~

On our walk, Landlord Bob's Clematis up by the road was blooming!
And we found the Sumac blooming~  The Sumac always lets us know that Autumn is coming~
We have a bit of a problem that we need to let you all know about.    On Tuesday, mom's camera was downloading photos to her computer just fine and on Wednesday, it stopped working and no downloading was happening. We were getting something about SD?   Mom has checked the SD card and cable several times and rebooted several times and it hasn't fixed the issue.   Mom has been researching and trying to fix the problem but as you all know, she is no computer geek.    The only photos we can upload at this time are the ones prior to the issue and that's not many.   
Mom is hoping that this is not the end of our blogging career.  If anyone has any suggestions, she would welcome them.  

Happy Friday, everyone.

Love ya lots♥


  1. we love the color of that sumac... it is really the perfect fall corlor... happy weekend to you... we hope all cams and gadgets will work pawfectly now...

  2. Tech issues are the worst! Mom gets really crabby. It's hard to say what the issue is. Do you hook the camera up to the computer with a cable, is the cable damaged? Can you use and sd card reader and see the images? If you have another SD card you could give it a try. What about another computer, you could try it on another computer and see if it works. Hope things can be fixed.

  3. Oopsie, this one puzzles us (Slow Down ... sorry), or we can come up with some "bad werdz" which we won't say. A trip to the camera store or 'puter store might be needed? WE MUST HAVE new pictures of Dandy Duke, can't get along without them ..............

  4. You found lots of nice things out there Dandy Duke. Hey, I'd try a new SD card and maybe even the cable is not good now. Best of luck!

  5. Hari OM
    The fungi also are harbingers of autumn's fall...

    Dandy, ask mum if the message talks about "SD reader"... if so, then it is the little slot into which the card is put that is faulty. It could be something as simple as needing to be cleaned, or, depending on age of the PC, it may just be worn out! As GBGV says, she could switch to using the camera's native cable (it will have a USB at one end and camera specific fitting at the other. The other thing, relatively quick fix, is to obtain a USB SD card adaptor... Having said all that, if mum means that the SD card itself is proving to be the trouble (and that can happen if it has been used for some time), then it's time for a new one! Hope that helps a bit - or someone else has ideas. We must have piccies of your handsome self!!! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  6. What we did get to see was pawsome there Duke -

    Mom says without being there - or having had THAT happen to her, she's sadly not sure what the fix is - but all of the above suggestions would be definite considerations -

    BTW, Mom is going to Wolf Brewing tomorrow - and one of the beers she's going to enjoy is THE DUKE!

    It's a Japanese Rice inspired brew - so she'll think of YOU!


  7. Oh Duke what lovely Nature Friday photos....I'm so very sorry for the problem...and I wish I could help...I was happy to see YAM aunty might have been able to solve this. Every thing Crossed.
    I agree we have to be able to have a Dandy Duke fix several times a week.
    Hugs and love you lots

  8. Your mom found lots of cool nature this week and you're looking as cute as ever, Duke. We hope with some of the suggestions your mom can figure out what is wrong so we can see more pictures of you.

  9. Charlee: "Those mushrooms are cute! Like little shelves for the pixies to sit on!"
    Java Bean: "Ayyy, pixies? What pixies?"
    Charlee: "What do you mean, what pixies? They're everywhere. Can't you see them?"
    Java Bean (looking around nervously): "Noooo. Are they here right now?"
    Charlee: "Hmm, maybe I shouldn't have mentioned them. Forget I said anything."
    Lulu: "It looks like you already got all the suggestions our Dada would have given you about the SD card. We hope one of them provides the solution!"

  10. Love your fungi and flowers.Gail and I are delighted to see that some of your more 'tech-y' readers have made some useful suggestions. Sorry we can't offer any further help, but we hope your mom soon gets these pesky computer problems sorted.

  11. Technology is just so confusing sometimes! I’ll confess, I used to be more capable, but lately it seems to be getting more complicated!

  12. Oh so good to see you handsome Duke ~ love all your photos in the header and great nature photos too ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. We hope you can figure out the prolem with uploading photos. We really like the mushroom pics!


  14. I've resorted to taking pictures on my phone and emailing them to my computer where they are available to my blog.

  15. What a beautiful collections of flowers today Duke. Mama says it does sound like all of the good suggestions have been given about the camera SD card. Mama would try re formatting the SD card or using a new SC card.
    Good Luck!
    Rosy & Sunny

  16. You found some very nice flowers for us today, Duke. Sadly we don't know much about cameras and SD cards, but you got some good ideas from others to try. We hope something works out because we all need to see Duke and his fun.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  17. Wishing you good luck on the photo issue. It does sound as if you have some good suggestions. I would be up a creek, too.

  18. What a beautiful Nature Friday post! It’s lovely to see the Clematis and Sumac in bloom, and those woodland finds are a delightful touch. I hope the camera issue gets resolved soon; technology troubles can be so frustrating. If you’re still having trouble, checking for updates or trying a different card reader might help.

    Happy Friday and best of luck with the tech fix!

    Read my new blog post: Thank you.

  19. Oh no, we hope your SD problem gets fixed soon! We would be sad to not see your sweet and handsome face!

  20. I didn’t know that about Sumac, I ‘m guessing you will like autumn. Get a new card and try,, if the computer doesn’t read the new card too, zoom in to other areas. Oh no, don’t end your blogging career, you just started!!

    May the tech fairies reach you soon,

  21. What a great walk and we love those Autumn colours, it is certainly getting to that time of year. There are lots of Halloween things starting to appear in the stores. Duke you do sit very well for your picture to be taken. I do hope you get your photo cards sorted. We have had the instance where the SD card stops working and we had to replace it and then the camera and the pictures were fine again. May be a new SD card is needed. Hope you fix it. Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx
