Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Temperature Drop Tuesday

 We had a hail storm yesterday afternoon!  Around 3pm, the winds picked up and hail was pounding the windows and doors!  Mom said that Molly would have freaked out but not me. I was running around the house trying to figure out where all the noise was coming from!

When the hail and rain stopped, we took a walk outside.  The temps had dropped from over 80 degrees F to below 60 degrees F and it felt wonderful!

I've never seen ice before and mom says that she's never seen hail before in August that she can remember.   
This stuff is cold on my feets, mom!
Noisy thunder was still happening and mom said that she wasn't sure it was safe to stay out much longer.
What a cool storm but mom isn't thinking the same thing that I am because she has leaves and sticks and branches to clean up today.

Happy Tuesday!

Love ya lots♥


  1. Hari OM
    I am so glad you didn't mind the boomeries, Duke - that's one thing mum doesn't have to worry about at least. As for the clean up... she has my sympathies! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Duke, you can look forward to lots more ice in the months to come!

  3. We too are having storms but not much hail, just super strong winds with lots of trees going down. Right now it is lightening so much it looks like daytime. At least when it ends, the heat and humidity will be gone.

  4. I think we live in the same state, but we didn’t get any of that! We just got heavy rain around 4:00. I wish I could have seen it.

  5. Wow! Our pals in The MidWest would have LOVED that temperature drop - they are baking again -

    Great job Duke!


  6. Duke the Bravehearted...WTG trying to find the introooooder beating on your house trying to get in.
    BOL BOL I love your pose in a pointer position with your right front paw Up.
    That is some huge hail. What in the world...were you expecting that?
    Love you lots and so happy your photo saga is over

  7. You sure had a hail of a good time out there Dandy Duke!

  8. Oh Hail, how weird is that ... but so good to know that Master Duke seemed to take it all in stride, good boy! Thankfully you were not "out there" when it began to come down, wouldn't want those crunchers falling on top of pretty heads (Duke's and Mom's!).

  9. Lulu: "I don't think we've had a hail storm here while I've been around, but if we did, I would be hiding under Dada's desk until it went by!"

  10. Wowsers...that is a lot of hail!! We are so glad you faced the storm so bravely Duke!
    Rosy & Sunny

  11. Oh my. That's quite unusual. Cooler is a good thing. You're so handsome, Duke.

    I linked this post to Happy Tuesday.

    Have a woof woof day. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥

  12. I’m glad that the storm didn't hurt you guys. I’ve never experienced a hail storm, but I can imagine Molly's anxiety. You are a very cool boy, Duke.

    Get good rest after the clean up, Mom!🍀

  13. Oh Duke ~ you must be a puppy ~ everything is new? ~ You are one handsome doggie ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Hurray for cold things coming from the sky that preserve the smells on the ground and make your Yard different! How do you feel about thunder, friend? (I don't mind it, but some Dogs don't like it!) Good luck to your person with her cleanup! Maybe you can help by chewing on one of those sticks or branches that came down!

  15. We're glad that hail storm dropped your temps so quickly. Wait until you get to see snow, Duke!

  16. Wow when I first saw the pictures it looked like snow! Cannot believe that it is ice! That is quite a drop in temperatures. We have had some nice warm days, not too hot but today is muggy. The rest of the week is supposed to be sunny and warm but not too hot, which will be good for doing some outdoor jobs. Sorry you had to pick up sticks and branches after the storm but so glad that Duke is not worried by the weather. Coco just barks when it is thundering but not in a frightened way just a telling off way! Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

  17. Duke, we had storms like that last night here too, but the hail was only pea size and didn't last long. We really don't like the thunderous noise and flashes of light, but we just stayed inside. Hope Mom doesn't have too much work to do.

    Woos - Misty and Timber
