Friday, August 16, 2024

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy this week for Nature Friday~~

Off we go~~

Mom loves Queen Anne's Lace.  It is so delicate and so beautiful!
But it doesn't have a scent, mom.
We found a vibrant mushroom and no, I didn't take a bite because mean mom wouldn't let me!
We found Joe Pye Weed growing near Landlord Bob's pond~
Happy Friday, everyone!
Love ya lots♥


  1. Mom love seeing the interesting mushrooms but we have never tried to eat one. She knows less about mushrooms than flowers, so we leave all those things alone and simply enjoy their beauty. Happy Friday.

  2. wow is it still mushroom time? we have to look if we find some too... happy weekend to you

  3. Hari Om
    Beautifurs! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Duke you found a royal relative (Queen Anne) on your walk and other beauties.
    Guess what I meet a English Cocker Spaniel on my EMW this morning.
    I've never seen a cocker with salt and pepper colored furs. She was lovely and friendly her name is Reba
    Hugs cecilia

  5. You are SO living the good life Handsome Duke!

    Thanks for sharing all of it with US!

    PeeEssWoo: Mom says the EggPLANT Parmesan recipe she made is a real keeper - the cornflake crumbs were perfect!

  6. What beautiful nature you found, Duke. Do you think anyone was living under that mushroom?

  7. We have never heard of Joe Pye Weed. Pretty, but what a strange name!

  8. Java Bean: "Ayyy, Mama is always stopping me from putting things in my mouth on walks, too. How are you supposed to explore the world if you can't taste it?!"

  9. Wow! What beautiful nature this week Duke. Mama likes the mushroom...but we really like the Queen's Anne's Lace!
    Rosy & Sunny

  10. Wow, that is one very colorful mushroom. Mom loves the Queen Anne's lace too. Happy weekend, Duke and Mom.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  11. It is starting to look like Autumn! Cannot believe we are almost at the end of August where has the year gone to? Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

  12. I agree that Queen Anne’s Lace is such a delicate flower! The problem is there are other flowers looking alike, and sometimes I’m not sure if I am identifying it right. I hope to take the best pictures of QAL one day. ✨Mom makes the rightest foods for you so save your appetite for mushrooms at home, Duke.🍄

    Thanks for the blooms, Japan is so hot we hardly see delicate flowers around,
