Tuesday, October 15, 2024

A Scary Start

 Yesterday morning, mom couldn't find me.   She called and called and called and I didn't come.    I always come when I'm called (inside the house).

Christmas package have been arriving and she's been hiding them under her bed.  I can't understand why she's not letting me open these gifts.  All packages that arrive are for me, right?!    I wasn't stuck under the bed.

She looked everywhere more than once and even checked the back door to make sure it was locked and no one had entered and stolen me.  

The entire time, she kept calling my name and saying, "Duke, where are you?"    I could tell that she was beginning to get frantic.    

She had this great idea to squeak one of my favorite toys.  She thought for sure I'd come running as no one touches MY toys!   

Still no Duke came running.

And then she remembered earlier putting her coat, that was hanging on the back of the chair in the kitchen, back into the closet that was in the dark puzzle room.  And it engaged her brain!!!

She raced to the closet and opened the door and out I came☺  Of course, there was a lot of rejoicing but she couldn't understand why I didn't scratch at the door or make a sound to let her know where I was.

At least I was found safe and sound but I sure did give mom a scare so early in the morning.

I promise that I will try to stay out of the closet from now on, mom.

Love ya lots♥


  1. wow that was close-t !!! but at least you are a free duke now.... the mama once locked easy there and he tried her clothes on... oyyyyy...

  2. Hari OM
    The game is called Hide And Seek, Duke... and it's okay to play as long as mum is forewarned! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. DUKE oh my dogs that was a very frightful way for the day to start. Mom has had all the Halloween scares she needs. I will altered the famous saying from Dirty Dancing
    Nobuddy puts Duke in the Closet.
    Love you lots

  4. Oh dear Dandy Duke, we would have been frantic too, bark it out next time silly boy!

  5. That sure must have been scary for your mom. We guess that your dark color made it easy for her not to see that you went into the closet before she closed it, but we definitely would have been pushing on the door and making noise. Next time bark your head off...or better yet...let's not have a next time. BOL!

  6. Oh yes Duke, you have to hope our humans only make that mistake once.
    But next time, BARK, right?

  7. I know that frightened feeling and it's not fun. IF it happens again, help Mom out and make LOTS of noise, Duke!

  8. Whoopsie....Mama has shut Rosy in Daddy's office before, and knows how scary that can be!

  9. Next time you play Hidey-The-Duke, leave a wee bit of your tail sticking out under the door ... OK?

  10. I'm glad mom figured out where you were. We are so careful here to make sure the kitties are accounted for before we go anywhere. You did make me chuckle when mom figured out what she did.

    Have a woof woof day, Duke. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥

  11. We can understand why your Mum got so scared, Duke. It's not as easy "losing" a dog as a cat inside the house!


  12. Duke!

    We don't do that to our special moms BUT I hope you scored some extra LOVE!

