We are joining Sunny this week for Nature Friday~~
We are back to walking every day and it's been warmer than it has been so I haven't had to wear my coat.Love ya lots♥
We are joining Sunny this week for Nature Friday~~
We are back to walking every day and it's been warmer than it has been so I haven't had to wear my coat.The static electricity this winter has been unreal but what happened to my head mom? Normally, the static electricity stuffs happens inside the house! Wait, am I now styling with a mohawk?
Happy Tuesday!We are joining Rosy and Sunny this week for Nature Friday~~
These pictures are from last weekend as we were not doing too much walking with so much ice out there~I got a treat ball! I roll it and it dispenses yummy treats!
The treats have to be sorta large or it makes it very easy for me to roll them out without hardly trying at all☺I like this ball! It's fun!Happy Wednesday!Mom announced that it was time to head outside for "business" so we both got our coats on and bundled up as it's cold and the wind is whipping. Thank goodness for ice cleats or mom wouldn't have been able to walk safely.
My beautiful snow is totally ice covered!The glare is blinding!Mom told me that all this is good for is ice skating!Our weather is going to be freezing cold all week so no walkies will be happening. We are grateful that the wind is knocking all of the ice off the tree branches. Paws and fingers are crossed there won't be a power outage.Happy Monday and Happy President's Day!Love ya lots♥Yesterday and into last night, just over an inch of snow fell and then the rain started and it's still raining and at 30 degrees F everything has turned to ice~
My tail is wagging as I want to stay outside and play but mom says no. It's dangerous, Duke!
I am doing my morning business under the ice covered apple tree and mom was praying no branches were going to break while we were underneath them. The pink dogwood tree is covered in ice too and you can see the slushy "pond" to the right of it. Farmer Will plowed the driveway around 2:30am and it's now a skating rink. Our temps are supposed to climb this afternoon and then the wind event will begin. Mom is praying we don't lose our power.Mom sure does like to tease me with my ball!
Got it!Again, mom?!You can't fool the Duke!
Mackie's mom wrote on Sunday to let me know that Mackie had passed away on Saturday. It came as a shock as I wasn't expecting this news. Molly and Mackie lived together for almost a year before Geo and I split so I watched Mackie grow up from a small wee pup to just a week or so before his first birthday.
Sweet potato fries and a stink eye from Molly~
TheAirekids got along okay living together. We had visits from Mackie often when we lived in our apartment with the fenced in yard.Four inches of snow fell in my yard overnight Saturday and into Sunday morning and I couldn't wait to go out and play!
Mom was laughing at me because I always have so much SuperFast energy but the deeper snow was tiring me out more and more as I was racing around.It was time to take a break and rest!It was a cold thirty degrees and mom's fingers were feeling it so it was time to head back inside. I do look a wee bit frosty☺