Friday, February 7, 2025

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy this week for Nature Friday~~

I got a new coat!   Mom said that it was too good of a deal to pass up and it's a belated birthday pressie~

Along our walk, we spotted ivy growing up a tree~
I'm making yellow snow!
We found rhododendron buds on our bush at home~
Happy Friday!
Love ya lots♥


  1. It looks like your snow is disappearing. We are hoping for a snowstorm tomorrow. It seems kind of weird to see ivy growing on a tree with snow in the background but maybe it is a super hardy plant?

  2. Hari Om
    Your coat looks pawfect for the conditions, Duke... and I love that the Rhoddies are getting ready to spring! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. you look super cute!! that is a perfect coat for boys!!! the mama read cat and looked at us.... we ignored her.... how embarrassing she is.... hahahaha

  4. Mom says 'and watch out where the Huskies go' !

    You are the dapperest Duke!

    It 'snow' looks like we've got lots of weather in our pipeline - our yard needs a fresh decorating with white!


  5. What a cute coat for a cute boy! We hope those rhoddies bloom nicely in the spring.

  6. Duke that is a gorgeous new coat. The blue looks so very nice with your lush chocolate furs.
    BOL BOL yellow snow ...cone.
    Happy Weekend and love you lots

  7. Lulu: "You look very stylish in your coat, Duke! So handsome!"

  8. You look so very handsome in your new coat, Duke....and we love that you are seeing buds on the rhodies!
    Spring will be here before we know it!
    Rosy & Sunny

  9. You are going to need that coat this weekend! Good timing!

  10. That's a beautiful coat, Duke. And you look great in it. How do those rhododendron buds survive in the cold???

    Happy weekend.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  11. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! You look very handsome in your New Coat!

  12. I agree, that is a very nice coat Dandy Duke! I hope you keep plenty warm out there!

  13. That's a spiffing jacket you have there Duke - very sporting. Ivy was a really important plant for feeding sheep in harsh winters way way back in time. It flowers late in autumn and is a great last hurrah for bees trying to top up their honey stocks before winter.

  14. It was nice of you to invite the kids in. If there are bulbs in our yard, we would have to do a lot of digging to find them! Lee and Phod

  15. You look very smart with your new coat, Mom just dotes on you.💗 The buds are always a promising sight, you agree?

    Have fun yellowing snow😆

  16. We love your new coat and it looks very smart with your furs and I am sure it keeps you lovely and warm in the snow. Hope you had a lovely walk too. Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx
