Monday, May 20, 2024

Happy Monday

 By now, you have all seen the fabulous blog header that Miss Ann has gifted me!  Miss Ann, you have made this puppy feel VERY special.  Thank you so much♥

I love to race out the back garage door to see if there are any birdies waiting to greet me and there usually are!

Mom found a dandelion in the grass and wanted me to give it a sniff.   Well - the sniff turned into a taste☺
Happy Monday to all of my friends!

Love ya lots♥


  1. Hari Om
    Duke, you are so handsome and I love that you discovered the delights of the salad flower aka as Dandy Lion!!! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Healthy snack!

    That's an awesome new header for you!

    PeeEssWoo: The ingredients for the spinach pie are going on this week's list - Auntie Di won't stop raving about it so we'll make more to share on this week's 'venture!

  3. Duke the great big back yard is full of wonders and sniffs. Ummm, ask mom to make you a dandelion necklace... I adore the blue cap in your header
    Love you lots

  4. Ann does such wonderful work. The header is perfect. I'm sure Dandy Duke approves.

    I linked this post to Awww Mondays.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to Dandy Duke and a hug to mom. ♥

  5. You are such a cutie, Duke. Was the dandelion tasty?

  6. We adore your new header Duke...that Miss Ann sure is talented!! It looks like yu are having a great time in your beackyard!
    Rosy & Sunny

  7. You are just so gorgeous, Duke. And Ann made you a beautiful header. We hear dandelions are a delicacy. Hope you enjoyed your taste.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  8. So much to learn sweet Duke, keep exploring and finding new things. Love your header!!!

  9. Super new header and I'm being very honest when I say you are one of the most adorable puppies I have ever seen, Duke.

  10. You ate the dandelion?? BOL!! That is a beautiful new header!

  11. Lulu: "If they can make wine out of dandelions, then surely you can eat one as a snack, right?"

  12. Dandelion is used as a natural remedy for health benefits, so it's fine if you ate one. Though I think that's very funny.😆 It's very nice of Miss Ann to make you the header, you look adorable!💗

    Wanna try other flowers next time?😆😋

  13. sniff/ taste/ a puppy's gotta learn!

  14. The new header is wonderful. Be careful with those dandelions, otherwise you have dandelion fluffs in your tummy!!!!! Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xxx
