Friday, May 31, 2024

Nature Friday

We are joining Rosy this week for Nature Friday~~

The good news is that my new PetSafe Easy Walk harness is working out fabulously!   I'm not pulling as hard and mom says that I'm easier to control.   

She says that having both treats and the camera in her fanny pack is quite the act!   
How is this shot with the wild geraniums, mom?
I'm sitting pretty for my treat!
The Poppies are still blooming in our garden~
Our only Peony is in bloom~
The Yarrow is looking sunshiny and cheerful!
Mom says that I am a very smart boy and her bestest boy♥
Happy Friday and Happy Last Day of May!

Love ya lots♥


  1. Boys are the best, right? You are doing a fine job posing too!

  2. Hari OM
    And love ya right back, Duke! You are ace already at this NF event and it can only get better! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. You look so soft and shiny Duke - just beautiful. I'm most envious about your peony rose and the yarrow, ours are still ages away from turning into flowers, and we have one only measly red wild poppy in our (no-mow May) front yard. The pollinators won't be very happy with our contribution to their welfare, but they must surely be thriving in yours. (PS your eyes appear to change colour in different lights.)

  4. Duke I agree with the first sentence from Tigger's Mum. I reallly love your furs and the color.
    Yay YOU are such a smart boy indeed. Well done my puppy Friend. No pulling and wonderful posing.
    Love that last photo and all of the flowers too
    Love you lots

  5. You have SOOOOO SCORED the bestest place in town to stash all those toys!
    What a pawsome post!

    We think you need more treats NOW for walking better!


  6. Java Bean: "Ayyy, of course you are your mom's bestest boy! And I am my mom's bestest boy! It's a good position to occupy, and comes with many perks! Meanwhile, I'm sure you have claimed all those flowers for your own by now, right?"

  7. You sure are posing nicely in all those pictures with the flowers, Duke. Keep up the good work of walking nicely for your mom.

  8. What a well behaved boy you are Duke...a super model in the making!
    The flowers are just gorgeous!!
    Sunny & Rosy

  9. We can tell you are doing a great job at posing and learning to walk. Thanks for sharing your flowers. Lee and Phod

  10. A big A+ for you, Duke! You're a fast learner. Your flowers are all so pretty, too but you're the best looking of all.

  11. Good for you Duke, you'll have that walking thing down in no time now! You sure found lots of pretty things out there!

  12. You're looking very handsome, Duke! Pulling must be a spaniel thing. I pull like a fiend. #1 just got me a 2posh2pull head harness, but we haven't tried it yet.


  13. Welcome to June, Duke. What progress you’ve made with the help of the new harness. I think Mom is a fantastic juggler managing you, treats and camera for the walk. You look camera-ready every time. I love the Geranium Yarrow.

    Thanks for sharing your lovely walk,

  14. such beautiful flowers, Duke!!! And you are posing so nicely. We are glad that your Mom was able to find a safe way to walk you so you two can enjoy some nice strolls together.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  15. Duke ~ you are one handsome doggie ~ sweet photos and gorgeous floral shots ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! When I am not on Long Line, my person puts me on the Walking Harness thing too! I can't pull as much when she does this! But also I am OLD and I pull much anymore anyways. Happy walking, friend! Pee Ess Hurray that your person carries both treats and the camera on Walks!

  17. What wonderful pictures and you do sit very well for your Mom for the photos to be taken. We love the flowers you found and the peonie looks amazing, ours have not flowered very well this year which I think is all the rain we have had. Hugs & Love Susie & Coco xx
