Monday, June 10, 2024

Monday FunDay

 When my mom and Missy picked me up from my breeders, Mr Brian told them that I was the largest of my seven puppy siblings and that I was the stingiest and never gave up a toy. Once I got it - it was MINE!  I am still a stingy boy and I always have two toys to play with at the same time - never just one.

Mom thinks that watching me play is more fun than watching TV.   She laughs out loud every time she sees me sitting on my rainbow furball☺
As a bonus, mom found one of my four-month old puppy toofers!
Happy Monday!

Love ya lots♥


  1. What ever you do, guard your furballz toy! Looks like you are enjoying life and that is the most important.

  2. You are surely making your mom SMILE and keeping her BUSY!

    I would probably like WallyMelon - but since Mom is not a fan, none will be at The Khottage -

    Our list includes another round of Spinach Pie stuffs!


  3. You sure are having some toy fun Duke and oh boy, the big boy teeth will be there soon!

  4. What fun you are having with all your toys, Duke. That picture of you sitting on your furball makes us laugh too.

  5. Duke one thing for 100% certain watching you is way more fun that the nothing that is on the TVs.
    I trust Mom and Missy don't try to play with your toys. BOL BOL BOL
    Did the tooth fairy come to see you?
    Hgus cecilia

  6. You're most handsome, Duke. I know your mom loves watching you play. Way better than watching television.

    I linked this post to Awww Mondays.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Duke. Scritches to you and a hug to mom. ♥

  7. pawsome to have to not share your toys, and Mama had an even bigger awwww after seeing that puppy toofer!
    Rosy & Sunny

  8. Hari OM
    Not just stingy, but greedy! But in the most charming way... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  9. Thank you for your kind words of sympathy on the loss of my beloved Boo, it meant to much to me that you stopped by and helped us with your kind comfort.


  10. Duke, you must have a zillion toys and you don't have to share them with anyone: they ALL belong to YOU! Maybe the tooth fairy will bring you a NEW toy. ;)

  11. There is nothing wrong with being stingy. It is a dog eat another dog's toys world

  12. You mean there are people out there who think TV is more fun than watching puppy play? Surely not!
    Oh and of course guarding one's possessions is VERY important.

  13. Good for you that you are the only furbaby at home. Enjoy your toys, be happy and love Mom.💗 It must be so funny seeing your butt on the furball. Your fart would be very noticeable, I think.🤣🤣

    Have fun, both of you.💕

  14. Toys are the best fun and so much better to watch you play Duke than the TV. We found a lot of Treacle's baby teetch but only one of Coco's, we think she swallowed the rest!!!! Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx
