Friday, June 14, 2024

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy and Sunny this week for Nature Friday~~

The Roses are blooming at Landlord Bob's!

I really like my new harness and so does mom~
I discovered pretty pansies!  The sign above that you can't see is telling us pups to please not water the pretty pansies.
Hey, Nelson - we have limeGreen flowers for you.  They are blooming on mom's Lady's Mantle!

We discovered purple Spiderwort~
This is my new friend.   Her name is Concrete Buffy☺
Happy Friday, everyone!

Love ya lots♥


  1. Hi Duke,
    Great to see you out and about wearing your smart new harness and enjoying all the lovely early summer flowers. For a minute Gail thought Concrete Buffy was a real live spaniel!

  2. Pretty flowers and you look very nice with your new friend.

  3. Darlin' Duke...what beautiful roses and OMDs I now have this running thru my head
    "Please, Please don't eat the daisies or water the pansies". By the most amazing animal lover Miss Doris Day. I got a real giggle out of the comment on my blog about the birds at your house, "don't the birds know a bird dog lives here'
    Love you lots
    C ecilia

  4. Hari Om
    You look so happy and adventurous for the nature walk, Duke. You found some lovely things? Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  5. What a winning Nature session - of course, Buffy is a big hit here - and we know NAL would approve!


  6. Java Bean: "Ayyy, what?! Don't water the pansies? What are they there for if not to us to write our names on?"
    Charlee: "Maybe they're just there for you to sniff."
    Java Bean: "What is there to sniff if nobody is signing their names?!?!?"
    Chaplin: "That Concrete Buffy looks like our kind of dog. Nice and calm and quiet."

  7. What beautiful flowers this week Duke...and Concrete Buffy looks like a reserved and very quiet girl(teeheehee)!
    Rosy & Sunny

  8. That's a nice harness, Duke!
    And you found soe pretty blooms!! Nope, no dog water needed or wanted, BOL!!

  9. You found some pretty flowers, Duke. We don't think Buffy will be much fun to play with though.

  10. Duke, I love your marble looking eyes. 💗 Thank you for the flower tour, I’m so envious that your place is still having pansies. Glad that the harness is not only useful, it's in Mom's favorite color, and purple looks gorgeous on you, Duke.💜


  11. Your new friend is a cutie and you're adorable Duke!

  12. Those are lovely flowers, Duke! Thanks for sharing them with us!

    Do you pull on walks? I pull terribly, so now I have a special contraption called 2Posh2Pull around my nose, and I walk much more nicely (says #1!).


  13. Concrete Buffy sure is cute. You make a cute couple:). Those roses are gorgeous. The Japanese beetles ruin all the ones around here. Have a great weekend.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  14. Roses are our most favourite flower, especially the tea roses that smell wonderful. We have one, a climbing rose, in our garde which is a pale pink and I love it. Our panies are doing well which I think is all our rain. We are so glad Duke you love your new harness, they are so much better for walkies. Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx
