Friday, June 7, 2024

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy and SunnyRosy and Sunny for Nature Friday~~

My new harness is working out well but mom doesn't like its narrow strap construction so she has ordered another one by the same company that should be more cushy with wider straps for me.

The Peony's are blooming along our walk~
Mom doesn't trust that I'm just sniffing and not want to take a bite☺
Miss Dotty's Dutch Irises are blooming~
They are in bloom at our house too!
We want to thank Miss Cathy so very much for her very generous donation to Our Companions Animal Rescue in memory of Molly♥  You are a very thoughtful to do this and we appreciate it more than you will ever know, Miss Cathy♥  Thank you!
We want to wish Landlord Bob a very happy birthday today!

Happy Friday!

Love ya lots♥


  1. Hi Duke,
    Great to see you out and about and sniffing all those pretty flowers.
    Happy Birthday Landlord Bob!

  2. Hari OM
    What lovely blooms you found to sniff (not nibble!) today, Duke! So glad the walkies are going well. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. We all have similar harnesses and Nelson has his hooked in the front a lot as he is the crazy guy in the house and it keeps him pretty manageable. Have a fun weekend!

  4. Traded you some blue skEYE pics for wondrous Nature shots!

    Happy Birthday to Landlord Bob! We think he deserves a DONUT to celebrate National Donut Day!


  5. Duke I just love your shiny softness, and your piercing eyes. You wouldn't nibble greenery would you? Investigating with your nose is OK, but leave that stuff for the insects and herbivores. I hope you enjoy your new harness - something to pin your medals on...

  6. I'm glad the harness thing is working out though Duke and thanks for showing us the pretty flowers!

  7. Happy Birthday Landlord Bob. Today is also my brother-in-law's bday.

    Duke you are growing by the second and I agree with mom a wider strap with cushion will be needed to fit around your buff muscles. Thank you for the very pretty posies.
    Love You lots

  8. PS I also meant to comment on your shiny, silky chocolate furs

  9. We're glad to see you and your mom can get out for walks with your new harness, Duke. You sure have lots of nice flowers to sniff around you. Those peony's are so sweet smelling we understand why you might be tempted to take a bite out of them. BOL!

  10. You are doing such a great job on your nature walks found some beautiful flowers!
    Rosy & Sunny

  11. Oh Duke you are adorable ~ so handsome ~ great floral photos too ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. Duke always looks so serious! Does he have a happy face? Does he play?

  13. First, I love you eyes, and second, I can tell you are going to be a great gardner

  14. Java Bean: "Ayyy, sometimes a sniff just has to turn into a nibble, doesn't it? It's a dog law!"

  15. I can feel Mom's love for you, bless her for the new harness. You are so lucky to live where you are, surrounded by all those gorgeous flowers! I don't know Landlord Bob, but if he is nice to your home, I’m wishing him a blessed belated birthday.🎂🍀


  16. Happy Birthday Landlor Bob we hope you have a lovely day. We have to be careful with Coco who sometimes bites off the flowers!!! Hope the new harness fits well, we went through two before we found the one that fit and worked the best with Coco. Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx
