Friday, June 21, 2024

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy this week for Nature Friday~~

Mom says that I am posing so nicely with the Marigolds~

As we walk along in this heat with humidity, the Honeysuckle smells divine!
At home, the pink Beebalm is blooming~
The Moonshine Yarrow is so cheerful!
The Lavender is blooming and mom is cautioning me about being aware of the bees.
The Veronica is in bloom!
Happy Friday and welcome to Summer, and today is the perfect day to spend at the beach!

Love ya lots♥


  1. Duke, you are doing so well with the 'posing nicely' business and your summer flowers are just lovely. How we wish we could smell that honeysuckle.
    Nobby (and Gail).

  2. Happy Summer to you both, too! Though best your walks right now be short ones as we've read your heat is far worse than ours ... so stay cool and safe. BTW, paws up to you Mr. Duke, looks as though you're learning your lessons very well for doing good walkabouts ... some sweet Angel is whispering in those long velvety ears we think.

  3. Very pretty flowers. Our mom loves the ones that have perfumey smells to them. I bet you would love the beach and swimming. Maybe one day you will go to a real beach.

  4. do you like the smell of that lavender? we thought it needs some special accents, so we watered the bush.. the mama was furious as she had it later in the kitchen :o))))

  5. Clapping with glee Duke...great pose with the posies and lots of pretty colors today too.
    I adore the dog frog pose the best
    Love you lots

  6. Hari Om
    Duke darling, you are a superstar walk and pose model 💖😍 such gawjuss flowers you bring us, too. Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Lulu: "Everything smells better when it's humid, doesn't it, Duke? Although I'm not sure the humans would agree with me ..."
    Java Bean: "Our Dada said if that's the Veronica, where are the Archie and the Betty? Then he laughed and laughed and laughed. We have no idea what he's talking about, as usual."

  8. We think you are going to be a pawsome model Duke!

    Such lovely flowers you found today, we especially love the Bee Balm!
    Have a pawsome weekend!
    Rosy & Sunny

  9. You sure have lots of beautiful flowers around you, Duke. It looks like you're having fun at the beach too!

  10. Wooow Duke - you selection of plants almost mirrors my garden (except the marigolds in from of which you have posed so beautifully). I am still waiting for the moonshine to burst forth, and would give a week's pay to be able to get bee balm to grow in my garden (have tried so often with no success). Enjoy 'the beach'.

  11. You look most happy handsome Duke, outside agrees with you;. You found some pretty flowers too!

  12. Thank you for sharing your beautfiul surrounding with us.

  13. Beautiful flowers, Duke, and we really loved the first photo of you!


  14. I’m amazed by the variety of blooms you have there, I hope to find out the scent of Honeysuckle one day, thanks for the picture! You are born to look great with the flowers, Duke.🌼Do you stay near a beach? It takes more than 2 hours drive for me to reach the sea, so I do miss the sea a lot.💙

    Make a special trip to beach this summer?😍

  15. Duke you are sitting very well posing with the lovely flowers you have found. Lavender is our favourite of all the summer flowers we love the smell of it. A Beach day sounds just right with all the heat. Have fun. Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx
