Monday, January 20, 2025

Monday FunDay

 We got around 4 inches of snow - the real deal this time☺  The only down side is that it is bitterly cold out and mom told me from the start that this was going to be a short romp.

Off I go~~

I was having a great time~
Mom noticed that I was picking up my feet and trying to chew the snow and ice off of them and she said that it was time to head inside quickly.
We need to give farmer Will a huge thank you.  He was plowing our driveway before 6am this morning.  What a wonderful gift!  Thank you so much, Will♥
Happy Monday, everyone!

Love ya lots♥


  1. Oh Duke you first real romp in the snow and might I add you romped expertly too.
    YAY for Farmer Will and his mighty tractor.
    Stay warm next 3 days here we will have below freezing temps during the day and single digits at night.
    Might get a wee bit on snow overnight on Tuesday
    Hugs cecilia

  2. School's out, time to play ... what fun!

  3. Hari Om
    Ah well, Duke, if you'd taken to those boots, you might've got longer play time! Jus' sayin'... Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  4. We got lot of snow overnight here too! It's super cold here and we have to wear our booties to spend any time longer than it takes us to pee.

  5. Oh how fun. Nothing better than romping in the snow. Great shots.

    Bless Will for cleaning the driveway.

    I linked this post to Awww Mondays.

    Have a woof woof day and week, Duke. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥

  6. We got about the same amount of snow. I wish I had a dog playing outside my window for me to watvh

  7. NAK says well done handsome! We got a bit more than that 5"

    Mom was WFH today so the idiots had more space - the WOOBARU didn't care. Our nice neighbor with Zeus The Rotti and Angel Bassets snowblowed/snowblowed The Khottage driveway!


  8. Fun time for Duke, maybe not for Mom. Our snow is down to about four inches but it is so cold we are still hanging on to it. Maybe if you wore your boots for Mom, she would let you romp in the snow longer.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  9. Nice to have fresh snow. It's really cold here and all the snow is crusty and hard.

  10. You sure were having fun out there but frosty paws need warming Dandy Duke!

  11. wow that is enough snow to write your name in or to make a snowdogfurangel...

  12. How fun for you. Hopefully it will get warmer so you can play some more. It's below zero for a few days here so we only go out for five or ten mins to play and we only walk about twenty but starting tomorrow it will get warmer again. Enjoy!

  13. Lulu: "That looks like a good time in the snow, Duke, even if it was a little chilly!"
    Java Bean: "Ayyy, a LITTLE chilly?! I am half frozen just looking at it!"
    Lulu: "I would loan you some of my Malamute and Siberian furs, if I could. Then you could enjoy the cold too."
    Java Bean: "Gracias, but I think I will stick with enjoying the sofa instead."

  14. Yes, indeed, Beji comes insu=ide looking more like a white pup than his normal brindle, all covered in wee snowballs...which of course becomes a dripping puddle on the floor and carpets. PLease make the snow go away, says Dalton, who never collects it on his short furs, BOL!
    Looks like you sure do love you sme snow, Duke!

  15. Brrrr! So pretty and what fun you had!

  16. So Snow Fairy has gone your side. January is almost done and we haven't got snow the whole month! I LOVE how wintery your pictures are!❄️❄️❄️

    I really hope to see snow soon and if I don't, please share your snowy again.🤗


  17. Now that is proper snow and I am glad you got to play in it even if you did not have your boots on that your Mom bought for you. Coco does the same with her feet and I have to put them in warm water when she comes in to get the snow and ice off and warm them up. Have fun with that snow. Hugs & Love Susie & Coco xx
