Friday, January 24, 2025

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy today for Nature Friday~~

We didn't get out for walkies at all this week.   Mom refuses to walk on the road when there is snow and ice at the sides fearing that a car could plow into us.     These photos were from last week~

The temps were cold but nothing like what we've had all this week!

We love the greenery growing on top of this mailbox~
The rock behind me is HUGE!
We did get out to play in the snow yesterday.   It wasn't quite as cold as it has been. 
Two boots~
I lost a boot, mom~
We were never outside with four boots on.  The back ones just would not stay on!
Throw it!
I got a birthday card in the mail from Chewy!  Thank you, Chewy!
Happy Friday, everyone!

Love ya lots♥


  1. Happy One to you! Glad you got out in the snow a bit. Mom isn't afraid of the snow and ice as we have walkways everywhere and she wears her icebugs. Hopefully you can get out more soon.

  2. What brand of bootie do you wear, Duke? The weather here is ugly today, with lots of rain and lots of wind.


  3. Morning Duke and Mom what fun photos of the mailbox growing plant and OMDs you with a 'rock' on your head.
    Love you lots Cecilia

  4. Boy, that snow looks like a bunch of fun! We are lucky we don't get much ice here.
    Rosy & Sunny

  5. You look like you were having fun playing in the snow, Duke. We've had super cold temps here too this week and haven't spent much time outside at all.

  6. Thanks for sharing those great shots Dapper Duke!

    A 'thaw/warm up' starting here - although we just had a cool snow flurry event - 'sun' out with feather flurries!

