Sunday, January 12, 2025

Snow on Saturday

 The snow we got was once again, only a dusting but it doesn't stop me from loving it and having fun!

Mom says that this amount of snow is just fine with her as all she has to do is sweep the back porch steps!

Happy Sunday!

Love ya lots♥


  1. Hari Om
    Yeah, enough to be pretty and fun, not enough to become a major pain! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. What a sweet and joyful post from Duke! Even a dusting of snow can bring so much fun. Glad to see you both enjoying it! I just shared a new post; let me know what you think. Have a lovely weekend ahead!

  3. You look as if you're having the best fun in the snow, Duke. Happy times!!

  4. Duke just enough to enjoy a romp for you and no back breaking shoveling for Mom. Win Win
    WE had a sleet event Friday night. Awoke to a 1/4" or less just barely covering things but still quite slippery. By noon yesterday the cars were clear and the driveway too
     Love you lots.

  5. You sure look like you're having fun playing in the snow, Duke.

  6. Snow is so much fun! Phod (and Hailey who doesn't love snow)

  7. We are so happy you got some!
    We can tell how much you enjoyed it...we got a inch plus a bit


  8. What great action shots, Duke!!! Our Mom agrees with yours, but we are always happy to get more. Ours has shrunk a bit but it is still cold enough that it will be around for a while longer. Mom actually managed to get out on the deck today and get our steps cleared of all the snow and ice. We have bitter cold coming in tonight after a little warmup. She didn't want us slipping on the newly frozen ice on the stairs.

    Happy Sunday.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  9. Looks like some fun going on Dandy Duke and that's a cool selfie!

  10. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Hurray for Snow! Hurray for Ball! Hurray for FUN!

  11. Glad you are loving the snow! You look happy playing in it.

  12. We got about 2-3 inches in the past few days. It isn't much but we are enjoying it too. You sure look like you are having a great time.

  13. Glad Duke can enjoy the snow! We don't have much, but it's more than I'd like haha!

  14. Lulu: "Boing boing boinging through the snow looks like so much fun!"

  15. We love seeing you race around in the snow catching the ball and playing. We hope it lasts a while for you . Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx
