We're both begging for cantaloupe! yummmmmmmm

Cocoa and Barley nominated us the the "oops, I ate it award"! Is this just the most perfect award, or what?!
Thank you so very much, guys! We are totally honored!

Okay so here are the rules to this award:
"When accepting this award, you must blog about the food you have stolen when your humans were not watching. If you have never stolen any food, you must have been a really good pup! You can accept this yummy tray of cookies as your reward! Next add the logo of this award to your blog (optional), then nominate at least 5 other furry blogs and let them know by leaving a message on their blogs."
I, Miss Maggie, am usually a VERY good girl and pretty much the only foody items I snag are ones that fall on the floor and I have to be QUICK or that nasty Mitch swoops in and snags it right before my very eyes!
What I do steal right before the hooman's eyes are paper towels and kleenex and if they're used or dirty, they're so much better! What can I say - I just can't help myself!
I, Mitch, do not eat paper goods but I do steal food when the situation presents itself! I stole a chocolate diet bar from Miss Suzanne and almost gave mom a coronary!
And one day, we had company come to our back door while mom was preparing our dindin. Naturally mom forgot about dindin preparation and started yaking away to Miss Laura and I decided to countersurf MY dindin! Hey, it was mine, right?! I did nothing wrong!
We have to choose 5 pups to pass the award to and mostly all of our friends are big foodies!
1. Mango and Dexter
2. Tank
3. Huskee and Hershey
4. Inky and Molly
5. Woodrow, Sweetie and MJ
So until next time..................
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
That will be a challenge given what a perfectly well mannered gentleman I am.
Thanks M & M! This is right down my alley. I am definitely a "foodie!" I find all kinds of weird things to eat outside, but I've never even thought to taste a paper towel or kleenex... I dunno Maggie. Are you sure you don't have some kind of doggy eating disorder?? BOL
ReplyDeleteWhat a cool contest. I would have stolen some clams from Ms. Alpha but she was too greedy for me to get within snatching distance!
ReplyDeleteI'm off for a dog show on Saturday in Springfield, MA. Woo hooo!!!!! I get to see my breeder, my mama, brother and sister.
Your pal,
M and M
ReplyDeleteI love the clean cut fuzzy heads and eyes! I haven't tried cantaloupe yet but if you like it- I'm sure I will.
Congrats on that award. That was a neat one.
These are particularly lovely pictures of your eyes!
ReplyDeleteLoved thje eyes!
ReplyDeleteAnd, thanks for a big giggle re your meme response!
Love, pats & pets
WE would NEVER steal FOOD - BOL!!! Our short legs can't make it up onto the counter, but if we entice Java enough, he will knock it off onto the floor for us.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
wait.. cantelope..i'm still on watermelon.
ReplyDeleteCoco & Barley are right on in awarding you this one! I think the rules are if it's your foodies, it's fair game. at least that's how i play:)
Happy Happy Friday,
Good eye shots! Mitch we didn't think there was anything wrong with getting your own dinner - these humans talk far too much.
ReplyDeleteWe are like Maggie - we like to steal tissues, paper & toilet roll - thrown in with the odd sock!
Good work with the tag.
Martha & Bailey xxx
You guys are so adorable. We always check in to see what goodies you are eating so we could beg momma for some
ReplyDeleteBenny & Lily
Those are perfect eye watch friday photos....nice to see your lil faces again
Monty used to guard the counters for me so the water dogs couldn't steal anything. He died just before Christmas. When I removed the roasted turkey from the oven I set it on the counter. I turned my back to get a platter and Samba stole a whole leg. She dropped it because it was so hot and using the 5 second rule I reclaimed it.
ReplyDeleteI like to steal paper products too, Maggie! When I was younger I liked to nose through trash bins for dirty tissue paper. Tagpi is the one the hoomans have to watch out for. He eats anything he can find on the floor and will accept any food offered to him. Once the young son of a friend fed him chocolate and Tagpi's hooman sister had to reach into his mouth to scoop it all out. Gross!
ReplyDeleteOoooh, the eye shots are a bit bonkers! Cool though :o) We got the "I ate it" award too, we'll put it on our next post but first we have heaps of visiting to do.....we're all back to normal now, yippee! We missed you guys heaps (TY for still coming to see us!) and it feels soooo good to be back online :D
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend friends!
Slobbers xx
Pee-ess....we all like dirty tissues too....what's up with that? They taste good, right?
What great eyes you have.. We love cantaloupe too..
ReplyDeleteCongrad's on your lovely award..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
ReplyDeletedear M&M your eyes are sooooooooooooooo cute and adorable!!!
we could stay to watch you all day long!!!!
What a cool award!!!!
And what a great answer!!!!!
we're tagged too!!!!
Milo is a very gentleman dog and he don't steal nothing...
Maya........Mmmmmmmmmmmmm....she's becoming like her dad!!!!!!!
Have a wonderful weekend dear friends!!!
We love youuuuuuuu!!!!
Sweet kisses and licks
Nice eyes on woo two again!
ReplyDeleteKhongrats on the award!
I know about some of those temptations myself!
PeeEssWoo: Me thinks Mango is fibbing AGAIN!
What a fun award! I've never stolen food from humans, I wait patiently because I know it's coming. My sister is a different story.
Teddy Bear
Congrats on the award! WE loved the pictures of your eyes.
Ernie & Sasha
Thank you sooo much for the award people! We certainly are foodies ourselves and will blog about it soon!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the award Maggie and Mitch!!
ReplyDeleteNow I(Huskee) am always such a good boy so I'll really have to think about it.. as for Hershey, it's a piece of cake for her.. LOL!!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Congratulations on your award!
ReplyDeleteIf something (food) falls to the floor it is mine!
Kisses and hugs
Way to go, Maggie!! I don't steal food, but I do like to grab all the paper towels I can get. They're fun to rip to shreds. Then that gives my mom something to do, picking them up. hehehe
ReplyDeleteLove and Koobuss Kisses,
Congrats on your award! It's pawfect for Airedales since most of us are "shoppers"...or maybe I should say shop LIFTERS!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
ha ha! Personally I think my Jeannie should get this award! She is always eating..........stuff she is not supposed to!!!!
ReplyDeletelotsaluv Marvin xxxxxx
Hi Maggie & Mitch
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your award. We loved reading about your food stealing.
Love Ruby & Penny
Pees - we saw are 1st Airedale while out for a walk yesterday. She was beautiful, just like you too.
Woo, you guys! We're trying to get caught up - we're so behind on reading our friends' blogs! Somehow, if Mom is tied up all day, we can't get to the computer. Woo.
ReplyDeleteI love this post - especially seeing you get some cantaloupe!
I liked Autumn's garden tour - and woo, seeing your pink smoke tree bloom made Mom really hope our smoke tree "comes back"!
Look at how intent you both are at gettin' that cantalope! If eyes could talk!!!! LOL.
ReplyDeletekeep your noses goin'...never know what might drop on the floor - but stay aways from those diet bars!! good thing it wasn't a Fiber One bar.......snicker...
Duhgall and Fiona
Teddy sez, snatch all the things coming your way...especially that good ole' chewy gum.. heeee!
ReplyDeleteMom doesn't know I can blog on my own yet, don't tell her.
Mom had a can't elope the other day and we wouldn't eat it! Mom says we should be eating more fruit!
ReplyDeleteAnd I have stole chocolate before and boy was my mom mad!
I can't think of anypup who would steal food.
Wow cantalope....me 'n Toby love ta get some of that too...my Mom doesn't like it fer some reason....cute award....ya deserve it.....we're too short ta counter surf although my Dad Fred can manage ta grab stuff when Gram isn't lookin'....but that's cause they never get any goodies at their house like we do...so sad....
ReplyDeleteDewey Dewster here....
Hey Pups! I kind of like to eat things by mistake too. Especially if I can find it on the street somewhere.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about me looking sad. That's just my stoic look .... or my "come on mom, leave me alone" look. I quite like my brother. Tonight, while we were waiting outside of a store for auntie, I decided to lay down underneath him. He's good for shade.
You both are both sooo beautiful!!
ReplyDeletePaper products are the BEST to shred... Lucie is the only one in the house that actually eats them.
Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey
Hi Maggie & Mitch!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful eyes you had! I have not tried cantaloupe, that looks good!
Congrats on your award!
Hi Maggie and Mitch
ReplyDeleteFirst I have to tell you what adorable eyes you both have!
Stunningly gorgeous.
I have never had cantelope but if it is just as good as Wallymellon then I would steal it!
Congrats on your award!
Hey this little doggie that looks like you on your bloggie with the tail waggin is adorable
Happy eating!
Hi, Maggie and Mitch -
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your award. Kaci is like you, Maggie, she likes to destroy paper towels - but they can be clean or dirty, she has no preference.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci