Friday, February 16, 2024

Nature Friday

We are joining Rosy and Sunny this week for Nature Friday~~

Mom, your shadow is photoBombing my snowRoll!
There - that's better~
What a beautiful day but truth be told - I am limpies once again and this time it's not lickies.   Mom thinks it's the arthritis issue and I don't get my next Librela injection until next Friday.   In the meantime, we will double up on the Dasuquin and see if that helps.   
This photo was taken the day of the storm.   The only birch trees we have are in the woods.   
Five more minutes, mom - pretty please~
Happy Friday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥


  1. Sorry you are limping again. Bailie is still going strong, but she has started not doing things she used to like putting her paws up on the grooming table, and prefers Mom lifts her up there. She does have some arthritis but Nelson gets her out playing and racing for short times almost every day. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. Hari OM
    Sorry about those limpies, Molly - but you were clearly have great fun in all the white stuff!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. The birch bark is pretty and it's great to see you having fun in the snow Molly, but we do hope you get some relief from that horrid arthritis.
    Nobby (and Gail).

  4. that is the real rock n' roll ... snow much fun... enjoy the ice cream weather and have a super weekend

  5. We are so glad you got some SNOW but not the ouchies -
    Hope the extra other stuffs will help!

    Have you had any gabapentin when the ouchies are there? Maybe Mom needs to get some to have when it might help - we have a wee bit here for those times -

    AND WE are supposed to get more SNOW - just a quick blast starting tonight - but might end up leaving up with up to 6" - as it has the PAWtential to be heavy per hour - yet moving out by morning -

    Mom plans to still go for her FebWOOary Howl!


  6. Lulu: "Making Snow Mollies! I love it! I sure wish we would get a little snow here."
    Java Bean: "Ayyyy, that would be the apocalypse on Southern California freeways!"
    Lulu: "Doesn't matter to me. I don't drive."
    Java Bean: "We send tail wags that the Dasuquin makes you feel better and helps with the limpies!"
    Chaplin: "And we cats send purrs!"

  7. You sure are having fun in the snow, Molly. We got a few inches last night and can't wait to go out and play in it. Sorry to hear about your limpies. Our paws are crossed that you feel better soon.

  8. Oh Molly my sweet AireGALE...I am sending you tons of healing wishes that maybe it is just the very cold and damp weather and that your med works til your next injection.
    You darlin' friend are a Snow Princess
    Love you Lots

  9. Snow days are the best days, aren't they Molly! You look so happy!
    We are sorry you have the limpies again, and hope it clears up after your next shot!
    Rosy & Sunny

  10. As the king of the roll, I give your roll a 10/10. Phod (and Lee)

  11. That looked so fun, Molly, bet you played like a kid. I’m sorry that the limpies found you again. I pray whatever that is troubling you, may they go away. Take care🍀

    Love, Julia

  12. You got some lovely snow to play in Molly. We really wish we could be there with you to play in it. Coco really hasn't experienced a lot of snow since she arrived and it is such a shame. Stay Warm. Hugs & Love Susie & Coco xxx
