Friday, February 23, 2024

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy this week for Nature Friday~~

We did get out for walkies a couple of times but we didn't find much color.

We did find more color right in our backyard!   The Hellebores are blooming but they don't seem to want to stand up straight and hold their heads proud.
The Hyacinth is poking through the soil~
The Magnolia is budding!
It's nice standing in the sun on the south side of the house.   
Happy Friday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥


  1. Ooh, that's nice. Signs of Spring despite the snow!

  2. Sunshine always feels so nice as it warms us up, except in the summer, then it is way too much, LOL! Happy Friday!

  3. oh we agree that feels good on our back... for a sunny weekend for you...

  4. Hari OM
    Sunpuddling is impawtant... wherever it presents itself! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Although it is nice to see the poking and budding, it's too soon -
    We need Winter to help kill off things that should die off -

    Thanks for sharing your sights!

    We have that many posts because I keep my mom out of trouble by disciplining her to blog every day - it also helps her focus on the days as she views things in how she may blog 'em!


  6. Lulu: "We have heard that southern exposures can be nice and warm and sunny! Our southern exposure faces the house next door and behind that is a hill, so it tends to be pretty shady, though ..."

  7. Molly you look out standing ....standing there in the sun.
    Love you lots.

  8. Wow! We can't believe you have flowers blooming and some poking up from the ground already.

  9. How fun to see the snow AND the blooms!! What a fun walk!!
    Rosy & Sunny

  10. You did darn good finding the colorful things sweetest Molly!

  11. We are always amazed at how fast spring is coming for some of our pals. It was -4F here today. We are still in winter at least for a few more days. Lee and Phod

  12. Signs of spring coming always excite me!!! I saw Adonis yesterday, and it made me happy.

    Spring is my favourite season, Julia

  13. Hi Molly at least you did get some sun. I don't think we have seen the sun for months, or it seems like it. Our Helebores are also growing at the moment but the colour is quite pale so not much colour still. We do have snowdrops out as well. Hugs & Love Susie & Coco xx
