Friday, September 6, 2024

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy and Sunny this week for Nature Friday~~

We went on a longer walk on unfamiliar grounds to me.  I needed to taste the leaves on this flower.

We also found Cockscomb at this same address~
Not far from here, three deer were watching us~
The Japanese KnotWeed is flowering.    YAMAunty set us right on this flower last year~
There are white flowers on this same overgrown plant~
We moved on to the Zinnias~
Happy Friday, everyone!
Love ya lots♥


  1. ooh we love the deer ... and what a fabulous color that cockscomb has... pretty in pink :o)

  2. I love that you found all the pink flowers, they are so pretty! Enjoy the end of the flower season.

  3. Very pretty flowers Duke. Were they safe to taste? No tummy upsets I hope but I'm sure your Mum was keeping a close eye on your experiments.

  4. You make Nature even better looking! And those deer doggies wanted to play!


  5. Hari Om
    Lots of lovely new sniffing for you, Duke...and pretty piccies for us! Your new blog banner is super, too. Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  6. so many flowers still! Duke has a handsome profile

  7. A longer walk than usual. What fun!

  8. Such wonderful sights and cute deer too. You doing better on your harness Dandy Duke?

  9. Such pretty flowers! The collie garden is in dire need of weeding, maybe this weekend, now that the weather isn’t so humid!

  10. You found lots of beautiful flowers on your walk, Duke. It looks like you were having fun exploring new places.

  11. Looks like you had a great walk, Duke. Very lucky to see deer.

  12. That longer walk helped you bring us some very pretty flowers, Duke. We think those deer were admiring your handsomeness.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  13. You have such a sweet face, Duke. The zinnias you saw are my favorite.

  14. Hi Duke (who has the most handsome profile) and his adoring Mom. thank you for sharing the lovely nature that surrounds you. OMDs Duke, Hazel, one of the pups I meet was hilarious. It was a crazy mix of Staffordshire terrier, pit bull, Labrador and the funniest was a wee bit of Chihuahua...I had to giggle
    the only thing that could have had Chihuahua was the tip of its tail. Her Mom is a high school chemistry teacher...for a class project to send in Hazel's DNA for a class project.
    Hugs Cecilia

  15. Lulu: "Hmm, I wonder what the deer are thinking ... Maybe they are waiting for you to leave so they can come and sample the flowers. If so, good job protecting the landscaping, Duke!"

  16. You had a lovely walk Duke and found some great flowers. Although the Japanese Knotweed here in the UK is destroyed due to it being very invasive and dangerous to buildings and our native plants. It was originally brought over as a plant for the garden but it escaped into the wild and created a lot of problems here. Some Insurance companies will not insure your home if you have had the knotweed on your property! Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

  17. I'd be so excited to see the deers. Thank you for all those blooms, your place looks like a Disney picture. I've never seen Japanese Knotweed, and maybe I should check it out.

    Thanks for all the pinks,
