Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Wordy Wednesday

 This is mom's latest puzzle.   I didn't hear too many HBO words so it must have been a fun one although, it did arrive with a missing piece😒

The apple puzzle she has done 2-3 times before and each time, she swears she will never work it again but she changes her mind once the pieces are safely back in the box.  There were many many HBO words being said as mom was working this one!
Happy Wednesday, everyone!
Love ya lots♥


  1. We are puzzled by your mom's puzzles. She must really love to do them. We know one person around here that does puzzles a lot too. Mom isn't a puzzler.

  2. our mama solved such moments with da scissors... her parents were petriefied LOL

  3. Wow, Duke, we think your mom is a sucker for punishment simply attempting the apple puzzle once!

  4. Your Mom always finds the most beautiful puzzles!
    Happy Wednesday Duke!
    Rosy & Sunny

  5. I think I'd still be fussing over either of those. Way to go Mom!

  6. DUKE YOU MOM IS BLESSED WITH GREAT HAND EYE COORDINATION AND PATIENCE...they are both gorgeous. Give her a high 5 for me
    Hugs and love you lots

  7. That apple puzzle sure look difficult, Duke. You are so cute posing with your toys.

  8. Those look like fun puzzles. Are you sure you didn't eat the missing piece?

  9. I love doing puzzles and do them online now. I do remember having boxes and boxes of them to do. Such fun.

    Have a woof woof day and rest of the week, Duke. My best to your mom. ♥

  10. Such talented human paws on that mom of yours! TADN's mom used to love puzzles - when she would visit for extended periods, they would keep a card table up in the corner!

    Another striking shot of you!


  11. Hari OM
    These are wonderfurs... tell mum to keep an eye on my bloggy, cuz there's a puzzle or two appearing soon. Nothing like as many pieces as these - but still the cause of some blue language! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  12. Mom would go crazy with all those apples, but she would love the challenge of that first one. What a shame to be missing one piece. She should complain to where she bought it and they might give her credit or a new puzzle.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  13. Lulu: "Hmm, our Dada doesn't do puzzles, but I remember hearing a lot of HBO words when he was installing the new dishwasher a few months ago so maybe that's a puzzle of a different sort ..."
