Friday, September 13, 2024

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy this week for Nature Friday~~

I met my friend, Carlie, on our walk!

We found a different colored Butterfly Bush flower in bloom.   Ours at home are still in bloom too.
We found Goldenrod in two different varieties!

We don't see a lot of white Rose of Sharon flowers and they are so pretty!
Happy Friday the 13th, everyone!
Love ya lots♥


  1. Hari Om
    Oh I say, what colour you still found on display! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Who is Sharon and why does she plant flowers on your walking path, LOL! Pretty flowers and it looks like nice weather.

  3. happy the 13th... may it be a super lucky day

  4. Duke you are surrounded by gorgeousNESS today. Carlie is (a girl I think) is a lovely friend to take on a trek
    Hugs cecilia

  5. Nice to see you Dandy Duke, you found some pretty things out there!

  6. What pawsome discoveries - and we love your pal!

    Wish you could come pose here by our lilies - probably another stray bud or two -

    Happy FrEYEday The 13th!


  7. Friends and a walkie....then so many pretty flowers(we like that white Rose of Sharon too).
    Sounds like a pawsome way to spend the day!
    Rosy & Sunny

  8. Happy Friday 13th we hope you saw a lucky Black Cat on your walk Duke. How lovely to meet your friend Charlie on your walk. Our Butterfly bush is still in flower and is the same colour as this one you found and we love the Rose of Sharon flower. It has been so cold in the UK over the last two days and in fact DH had to scrape ice off his Truck windows this morning. The weekend is supposed to be warm and sunny again which is good as we have garden work to do. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

  9. Lovely late summer blooms and it's always fun to meet friends when out on a walk.

  10. Happy 13th! Stay away from lakes today! BOL

  11. Hope you have a beautiful weekend! I can’t remember what town you live in, but we will be at the Chester dog fair tomorrow, they have a Facebook page with details, if you are looking for something fun to do this weekend.

  12. Very pretty butterfly bush Duke - and you too are looking handsome and wonderfully shiny.

  13. I have not seen a Rose of Sharon bush in decades! Thanks for showing us one, Duke.

  14. Java Bean: "Ayyy, you have so many pretty flowers there!"
    Lulu: "How did we forget it was Friday the 13th??? Good thing we didn't go for a walk at Camp Crystal Lake today!"

  15. You and Rosy provided a beautiful photo display of your lovely surroundings

  16. You sure found some pretty flowers on your walk, Duke. Carlie looks like a fun friend. Do you two get together for play dates?

  17. duke! getting to be so grown up! Your friend looks like a good pup!
    the butterfly bush is gorgeous , few flowers around here but I bought some mums to push the season!
    still hot though...LeeAnna

  18. What pretty flowers the butterfly bush has!!! No wonder it attracts the butterflies. We have lavender-colored Rose of Sharon with a hint of rose in the middle. Did you get to play with Carlie?

    Woos - Misty and Timber
