Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wheelie Wednesday - The Vege Garden

Hi everybody! It's me, Autumn!

Dad starts most of his vegetable garden from seed. It's a pretty big garden and it's very hard for me and mom to keep up with weeding both flower gardens and the vege garden so we have to apologize in advance for the weeds that you'll see.

These are pole beans and they haven't started to flower yet which mean that there aren't any baby beans to show you. If you've never planted bean seeds, they're HUGE! Maggie and Mitch love beans!

These are the cucumbers. Dad plants morning glories in with the cucs so it's kinda hard to find the cucs when they are ready to pick. So far nothing is edible but it won't be long!

This tomato is called Father Lou. One of our friends gave us these seeds awhile back that she got from her long time friend and now it's a tradition that both Jan and dad grow Father Lou tomatoes. Can you see the shape? It's long and stretched out! It's very funny looking and very much like a plum tomatoe. Dad has about 6 different varieties of heirloom tomatoes planted.

This is the yellow squash! Can you see them in there? They're just my size, which means that they're still too small to pick and eat!
And here I am hiding among the sunflowers and one zinnia - hehehehe! Mom thought this was a sunflower when it was just a baby and it turns out that mom was wrong! This poor zinnia is going to be overpowered very soon!

I'm leaving the vege garden and wheeling back to the house and I couldn't help by notice that the orange lilies are in bloom! Are they brilliant? That nosey woman is still in my garden! Maybe she doesn't want me sniffing the flowers?!

I'm still wheeling to the back door and I'm just now passing the Shirley Poppies. Isn't the foliage the most awesome color green? There are buds on these plants and we can't WAIT to see them in bloom! Poppies are our very favorite!

Update: One poppy is blooming! Isn't it just gorgeous!

I hope you enjoyed seeing our vege garden! Hopefully we'll be enjoying the fruits of our labor very soon!

Maggie and Mitch want everyone to know that dad redeemed himself last night and took the family out for ice cream! Hey, what about me?!

See you next Wednesday!

Love, Autumn


  1. What a pawsome garden you have. You must be very busy keeping it so pretty Autumn. Yeah for ice cream. How come they didn't share with you?

    ~ Girl girl

  2. The veg garden is brilliant! With fuel increases, every lil' bit of savings help. Added plus - fresh homegrown veg for dinner! Good on dad for the ice cream!

  3. Your mum and dad had been really busy so frsh straight from the garden.glad to see you are helping. Caz is sorting out her new garden and there is alot to sort especially around the edges under bush's. I help by dragging the big sticks out and chewing them up all over the place. Caz seems not as happy about my help but hey how would she get them if it wasnt for me hehehehhehehe

    Ludo the cool dude.

  4. Your garden looks great, Autumn! Our pawrents just ate the first ripe tomato from their vines and they have one (yes, One) summer squash that is ready to eat. We can't wait to have more! Some of our yellow tomatoes are starting to turn yellow. Woohoo!

    It's too bad you missed out on the ice cream, but we bet Maggie and Mitch really enjoyed it!

    Poppy, Penny & Patches

  5. You have a beautiful flower and vegetable garden, and tell mom not to worry over the weeds. They are plants too. We have lots of them in our garden - mom says it's an endless job and they get away from her too.
    Happy Wheelie Wednesday Autumn, Maggie and Mitch. Glad you finally got your ice cream
    Abby & Rosie

  6. We are still a little drunk from the excitement of our AMAZING PRESSIES!!!! WOW OH WOW how can we ever thank all of you?

    We are overwhelmed by your kindness and we just don't know what to do!!!

    wags and zoomies and high fives from the whippets

  7. There's nothing more exciting than eating your own homegrown vegetables. Your garden looks really beautiful.

  8. What! It's Wednesday already?! I about fell out of my seat.

    Im glad the magic spoon got put to some good use last night. Tell dad we all forgive him for his cake transgressions now.

  9. Well, that's a huge garden, and lots of work to do! I like your wheels by the way! Pumpkins!

  10. We miss our garden! We loved planting all kinds of things, but now all we have is a tiny little balcony and the sun cooks it so hot that nothing will grow. Maybe we should try a little palm tree? Booker likes to lay out there in the sun, though, and bake his joints!

  11. That's a much nicer garden than my mom's!

  12. Wow, more growing plants in your garden! How splendid!

    Butt wiggles,
    Solid Gold Dancer

  13. ooo that looks like a fun garden! All green and pretty.

  14. You have the nicest garden. Our crazy old lady loves lilies. She even has one inked on her ankle. Our tomatoes are growing also. Pretty soon it will be time to pick them off the vine. It's a good thing M+M got ice cream. That food fight story was to be suspect.

  15. Autumn
    Fwesh Vegeblesfwom the ae sooo lucky! Thewe is nothing bettew!!!
    ANd We looove poppestoo
    evewything is just bootiful, don't stay out too long and get heat stwoke though
    wheeley smoochies

  16. w00f's Autumn, Maggie and Mitch..ur flowers iz bute ti ful and sooo iz ur veggie garden...we iz gettin squash, zukini, cukes, onions, lettuce, and raddishes outta our garden now..and we gots 2 little cantelopes growing..we gots to plant g-beans today, me iz gonna help..

    b safe,

  17. Hi Autumn!
    Thanks for taking us around the veggie patch. Looks like you are going to have lots of yummy food to eat once it has all grown!
    Love Clover xo

  18. I am so glad your dad came to his senses....Ice Cream was a good recover. I love the adventures of your garden and cannot wait to see the sunflowers bloom.

  19. You have a very nice garden. I can't wait to see the poppies. Those are one of my mommy's favorite flowers. Hope you got some ice cream!

  20. Myrna, you are so smart. You know the names of flowers and veges and everything! I'm still learning my colors, and I can almost count to 10.

  21. Hi Autumn!
    Wow! Your vege garden is gorgeous!
    Our humans have been working in our garden a lot these days. And they've been working so hard.. so we'll cut them some slack and not dig fur a while.
    Have a great day!
    Wags and licks,
    Maya and Kena

  22. What a beautiful garden, for some reason I thought M&M liked digging, maybe they could start on the weeds. My Mum took a picture of a poppy on our walk today, she hasn't posted about that yet though, slacker!
    I'm sorry to say, BUT, your Dad still needs to give you all cake, you let him off far too easily, give them humans an inch and they'll take a mile!!!
    Love 'n' snuffs to you & M&M.

  23. Thanks for the garden tour Autumn.



    Pee.Ess. Good on ya Dad. I knew you really hadn't gone fishin' ;-)

  24. Oh the veggie garden looks wonderful - we don't grow any veggies any more because I have a slight tendency to eat things before Mommy and Daddy get a chance!

  25. It looks great. I didn't know you guys had such a green thumb (or is it green paw).

  26. Yay M & M got some ice cream!!

    If you want some yogurt why don't you come to our house Autumn? We usually get a frozen yogurt treatsie around noonish.

    Your veggie garden is amazing. Maybe you'll get some tomotoes or cukes!!

  27. We have planted some egg plants and green leafy vegetables at home before. They are yummy. I'm sure you will like yours too.



  28. Amazing garden! Mama's very impressed when she sees a garden like that. Your papa sure has a green thumb... we're now eating our first harvest of cherry tomatoes and there are still some ripening on the vine. Our blueberries and boisenberries are just coming out now.

    Thanks for the tour. We loved it.


  29. Hi, Autumn!
    another great tour! the vege garden!
    Glad they got ice cream!
    Kisses and hugs

  30. Oh man you should see our veggie garden. The humans have already started giving away the yellow squash, there's so much of it. We patrol the garden to keep the mice and bunnies away, that's our job.
    Then we check the corn patch, that's always entertaining.
    Aren't veggie gardens fun??


  31. What a beautiful garden you have there!

    Boy n Baby

  32. What a beautiful garden!! It brings back memories. When Aunt Annie lived with us we had squash, eggplant, all kinds of tomatoes. burpless cucumbers, collard greens and swiss chard. We had all kinds of flowers in pots everywhere.

    Now we just got a few plants. That why we like going to Aunt Judy's house.

    Hope ya have a happy 4th of July weekend.

    Love ya...Mona

  33. WOW thats an amazing garden!! We dont really have anything like that in our garden JUST weeds!! Hopefully when we move we can start a garden as good as yours!!

    lots of love

  34. What a lovely garden! The magic of green fingers and paws at work!

  35. Mmmmmm Vege-tables! I love the carrots. Thats the only human food my human lets me have. And let me tell you, those carrots are DELISH! Flowers don't taste so bad either!!!

    Mr. T-Bone Beasley

  36. Hi, Autumn -

    What a beautiful garden! Mama likes the poppies. One of our neighbors has poppies in her yard - almost the same color.

    We are glad that Maggie and Mitch finally got their ice cream. Mama was wondering if you get any extra tomatoes would you send them to us? (just kidding)

    Love -

    Hershey and Kaci

  37. Autumn thank you for the tour of the beautiful garden. Maggie and Mitches 2 leggededs have the most amazing green thumbs. Momi is very envious of your heirloom tomatoes she says they are the best. She grew some black tomatoes last year from seed and only got 2 tomatoes!!! The climate is not right here :(.... you will have some lovely salads later on yumm!

    We caught up ith your other blogs too and are glad Dad finally gave you ice cream.. what was he thinking?!!
    Wags, Eric x
