Monday, July 27, 2009

Blueberry Buckle

We're helping mom make blueberry buckle and she says that we're the best helpers ever!
Toss me another one, mom!
Blueberry Buckle

Cream by hand 1/4 cup shortening, 3/4 cup sugar and 1 egg. Add 1/2 cup milk.

Sift together 1 1/2 cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder and 1/2 teaspoon salt.
Gently fold in 1 1/2 cups blueberries. Spread this mixture into a greased 9 X 13" pan.

Now for the crumb topping - mix together 1/4 cup shortening, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon and 1/3 cup flour.

Sprinkle the crumb topping on top of the blueberry mixture and pop it into a 350 degree oven for approx 25 minutes.

Yum - I love raw batter!
Twenty-five minutes later~
We're the official taste testers!
Please say a prayer for our buddy, Cecil. He's the dogging on our sidebar up at the very top! He's having surgery today on his eyes and our paws are crossed that this surgery will make him see again! Maybe you could stop by Mackie's blog and lend your support, please!

So until next time...................

Love ya lots,

Maggie and Mitch


  1. YUMMY!

    Mom made a Blueberry Bukhkle when Auntie Di khame home last year...and she was going to do it again!

    Tank woo fur sharing yours!

    Bluezzleberries are grrrrreat!

    Paws khrossed fur your pal!


  2. Woh. that sure looks very very yummy. :)

    ~ Bae

  3. Crikey what on earth is blueberry buckle hehe it sounds funny. Is it an American cake? I wonder if anyone down here has heard of it?
    It looks very yummy. Did you guys get a big piece?

    Noah x

  4. What a crazed picture of you, Mitch! I only saw the little blueberry later, didn't know what you were after.

    I guess buckle is somewhere between a cobbler and a cake - it sure looks good.


  5. Mmmmmm...

    We have blueberries here on bushes (not flying through the air). I sneak eat some of them when nobody is looking.

    I will visit your pal and lend my Mango support.


  6. Blueberries? I've never tasted them - but boy that cake looks like heaven on earth!

  7. Our Mom doesn't care too much for blueberries, but we think she should try this buckle recipe - she might just change her mind.

    Our paws are crossed for Cecil and we are sending pawsitive Scottie vibes his way.

    Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

  8. we can only gets blueberries frozen, we have tried growing some but like everythin here the possums gets them. I kilt a possum yesterday, mums is still coming to terms with it. matbe we coulds use raspberries.

  9. Thank you for the receipt. I will tell Véronique to try it because this year we have a lot of Blueberry.
    Paws crossed here for Cecil !
    Kisses, Faya

  10. We need to find some good blueberries too - that buckle looks so good. It would be great with a nice cup of tea or coffee.

    Prayers and sibe vibes for sweet Cecil.

    Tail wags, the OP Pack

  11. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm is that recipe for peoples or doggies cuz I eat evfurrything so I dont know...
    I likes your first picture.. Love that face.. Did you see?? I finally got to doggy beach, my foot is healed almost completely.. soo happy -
    happy monday
    Bell girl

  12. Good evening m & m
    The garden of July is very beautiful.
    The flower can bloom, and spend colorful time.
    It seems to be able to use it also for the flower arrangement.

    Emerald and how wonderful sound.
    It is flea hunt and tick's medicines.
    Ume tyan is used.
    The effect is slowly one month.
    It seems to exceed summer.

    The blueberry buckle seems to be very delicious.
    I want also to eat. :D

    from loved ume tyan

  13. Geeeee, somdoggies looks like they've got the crazies...Look out!
    That baked thing looks great. We'd go crazy for that, too!

  14. hey, the end result with the pre-cook of the blueberry buckle are soooo different. yum yum.

    btw, why your evil mom put a funny pic of you up there? :D

    wet wet licks


  15. that is great action shot of you chasing the blueberry but you do look funny with that crazy look. Of coarse the best part of any cooking is being the taste tester...especially when you have to have a couple of sample just to make sure it is yummy

  16. Whoa...that blueberry buckle sure looks YUMMY! I hope Mom will get to make it some's hard to find blueberries here! We will be thinking of Cecil for a swift and good recovery!


  17. Hi Maggie & Mitch!
    You are great helpers and taste testers! That blueberry stuff looks YUMMY! I'll keep my paws crossed for Cecil and his surgery!
    :) Tibby

  18. Hey Maggie and Mitch!
    OMD! THAT LOOKS DELICIOUS! You have the best job getting to taste it! mmmmmmm-mmmmmm.
    We´ll pray for your pal Cecil!
    Sniffs and kisses,
    Maya and Kena

  19. Sounds YUMMY! And we're saying prayer for Cecil too. Take care you two.
    Abby & Rosie and their kitties

  20. Yumm!! The best blueberries are just starting to ripen in Ohio - might have to try that when I get back home! Maybe I can make up to Brutus (for the whole kennel thing) with some bluenerries...

    Great action shot of Mitch - did he catch that berry?? Looks like it's a little low & inside...

    Substitute Snorts-
    Michelle (for Brutus)

  21. It looks delicious, guys. You are sure good cook's helpers. Maybe we can talk Mom into baking something today.

    We left our good wishes for Cecil.

  22. OMG! our gram just made that! the humans scarfed it up right before our eyes... of course our humomm did share some of those biggggiee blueberries she brought home from our uncle' guess it was ok. that looks mighty yummy though.
    theBUSTER, Ms.Persephone & Ms. Blue

  23. Thanks for all the prayers, Maggie and Mitch! Mommy dropped Cecil off this morning and she is waiting to hear (good) news from the vet!
    Thanks for all your support! You two are the bestest!!

  24. We just left a message on Mackie's blog; our prayers go out for Cecil!
    Now...... I've got to send Mom a mind-meld message to make that Blueberry Buckle. It looks inCREDible!!!
    Tail wags,

  25. Wow, Mom is totally going to try that recipe. You guys are so lucky that you got to snoopervise and taste test!!

    Wags and woofs,
    Benson and Gibson

  26. Looks very yummy, I has never heard of it but Mum would like to make it. She can't understand American though, what does shortening be?

  27. That blueberry buckle looks very YUMMY! We can almost smell it. Raw batter also tastes good. Mitch that was some expression on your face when you were going after the blueberry.
    Ernie & Sasha

  28. Hi! That looks so YUMMY that we came out of lurk-dom to give you a shout! Madison loves the new banner photo ... watermelon is her very favorite thing in the world!

  29. Hi Maggie & Mitch
    Thanks for sharing the recipee, this cake looks scrumptious. We see why you were so excited.
    Love Ruby & Penny

  30. That looks and sounds delicious!

    Holly & Zac...XX

  31. Yummy blueberry buckle, I am going to get Mom right on that. I love the first picture, giggle, you look so cute. We will pray for Cecil and go and wish him well.

    licks and sniffs, Sasha

  32. We liked the sound of that - we could almost smell it coming out of the oven!
    We will keep our paws crossed for Cecil and hope his op is a success.
    Martha & Bailey xxx

  33. Mmmmm.Did you have to test that scrummy Blueberry Buckle many many times to make sure it was ok *wink?! Loved Autumns garden and the emerald thingies and you Mitch with the Indian Bike, Very COOL..and the barn raisng for next year looks like a big job. Think of all the pay you've got coming lucky dogs.

    Wiry wags n kisses, Eric xxx

  34. yummm, sounds very yummy to me...u pups make pawsome been thinking of Cecil and hope all went well..

    b safe,

  35. We are sending healing vibes to Cecil, maybe you could send us some of that delicious dessert??

  36. Yummmmyyyyyy, that looks delicious! We will be saying prayers for Cecil.

    Teddy Bear

  37. Yum! You can bet on what we'll be helping bake in the next few days! Moma says thanks for the recipe. We say thanks for pointing out that you are the taste testers! Yum!

    Jake and Fergi

  38. I can see how much you like bluberries!
    We don't have them here!
    But it looks delicious!
    Kisses and hugs

  39. We believe that your mom could teach our mom a LOT about cooking! Everything your mom makes looks delicious!!!

    That first picture made us bark out loud!

    Chasing my tale...
    Addie, Lucie, and Hailey

  40. The blueberry buckle looks delish!

    Hope Cecil will get well really soon!

  41. OK, that looks so good!! You luckies.

    I'm sorry to hear about Cecil. I can't stand seeing suffering. Here's a prayer for Cecil.


  42. *drools* Wow, that looks so delicious.....slobbering on the keyboard, you lucky, lucky taste testers!
    Just dropping in to say hi as we're feeling out of touch and always still visit us....hopefully we'll be back to normal service soon!
    Slobbers xx

  43. Ooh, that looks delicious. You two should have your own cooking show!


  44. BOL!!! That top picture is GREAT! And the blueberry buckle looks so yummy! We also hope that Cecil's surgery is a asuccess!! :)

    Nala & Amber

  45. Mmmmm, mmmmmmm, mmmmmmm. We about to play blueberry catch! Moma just got home with blueberries, and we think we'd better taste a few to make sure they're good! Then the REAL important jobs begin.... supervising and taste testing! Yahoo!

    Drooling, just thinking about it...
    Jake and Fergs

  46. Blueberry buckle looks delicious and scrumptious! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

    Saying a prayer for Cecil, too....

  47. hi Maggie & Mitch, we're so glad that you are good kitchen helpers for your mom. she is a terrific cook and it's all because of you. that sure does look yummy.


  48. That first photo is wild. A treasure!
    Sherry, Alanis & Miro

  49. M and M
    Hee hee that googly eye is funny... I guess you really wanted some.

  50. Your mom makes the best looking goodies.

  51. DROOL! We love blueberries, so we will be making this for sure!

  52. hi m & m!
    oh how delicious!
    we are going to have to try that recipe! we LOVE blueberries!
    we are thinking of cecil!
    m & e

  53. thanks for the recipe-- good tip.. be a taste tester. yes, i'll have to propose that.


  54. OMG!!! Mitch, you are hilarious! You are quite possibly the best food catcher on the planet! Mama is still giggling at your picture! That blueberry buckle looks soooo yummy!!

  55. Hi, Maggie and Mitch -

    The blueberry buckle looks delicious. Papa picked fresh blueberries and raspberries today. Mama loves fresh blueberries - they are her favorite fruit.

    We love the picture of you catching the blueberry - that is classic!

    Love -

    Hershey and Kaci

    P.S. I (Hershey) was supervising Papa watering the plants in the front yard (the last post) - but your guess of waiting for the mailman was really close!

  56. That is a totally pawesome picture of Mitch!
    Keeley & Teagan

  57. Oh we are going to have to get mom to make that for us.. That looks so yummy..
    It appears the Khyra's mom has already beaten us to it. No problem we still will try it.. mmmmm

    Big Sloppy Kisses
    Gus, Louie and Callie

  58. I hopes ur friend's sur-jeri is okay. :) {{{hugs}}]

    The food looks yummy! :)
