Monday, July 1, 2024

Marvelous Monday

 From the time I came to live here with mom, I have been whimpering in my crate from 3:30am till she can't stand it anymore and gets up.  I don't have to do business if that's what you're thinking.  I just want to be out of my crate and be with my mom.  

She's been thinking a lot about what to do about this and finally came up with a plan that she thought could work.

A HUGE box arrived here last week on Friday. 

The plan is that from 9pm till around 1:30am, when mom gets up to take me out to do business, I will sleep in my crate.
After we come back inside around 1:30am, I will be in the bedroom sleeping in my new bed or on the rug in front of it.   I am leashed to the bedpost so I only have 6' of room to explore so I don't get myself into any trouble.  
Now for the fun part!
It's International Box Day all over again☺
To continue~~
Friday night was a positive experience for both me and mom so on Saturday night, I got to sleep from 9pm till 5am in the bedroom, with my leash attached, with mom!   Mom found me at 1am underneath the bed skirt but that's okay as I was being a good boy!   I did the same thing again on Sunday night☺   I am on my way!
Did I mention that I have my own personal fan if the temps get uncomfy for me?!
I sure do like sleeping in the bedroom so much better than sleeping in my crate!

Happy July First!
Love ya lots♥


  1. We would not like to be in our crates at night either. Mom has had us sleeping in bed with her since we came to live here as tiny puppies. Cuddling all night with Mom is the best, but your new bed looks like it will work out swell for you. Not all humans like having their pets in their bed.

  2. Hari Om
    Sounds like you have mum sorted 😄. Twisted round your wee paws. Quite right too. Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Duke bless your sweet heart you are a smart boy and such a quick learner. That is one fine bed mom ordered too. It is soft and lush and enough room for a stuffy or two for snuggling.
    Keep up the good training
    Love you lots Cecilia

  4. That's a very nice bed and hooray for you figuring out how to moving into the bedroom!!!

  5. wow you got a super parcel to welcome july... we wonder what comes in auguts? we hope something you love too... have the best dreams in your new bed

  6. Looks like mom came up with a good idea. Good for her.

    I linked this post to Awww Mondays. Duke is so precious.

    Have a woof woof day and week, Duke. My best to your mom. ♥

  7. What a great bed you have now, Duke. Your mom's plan sounds like it's working great. You will be off that leash in no time once you prove yourself to be a good boy.

  8. Dear Duke, this is a win win win solution! You really are a very smart fellow plus being absolutely adorable. That bed looks extra comfy. 🙂

  9. Lulu: "You have got plenty of other fans besides that one, Duke! Although I guess that's the only one that can cool you down on a warm day ..."
    Java Bean: "Ayyy, I am with you, Duke! I always like to sleep in the same room as Mama and Dada, too!"

  10. Great finding ways to get out of the crate Dandy - you are clearly very smart! Lady uses the leash trick with Lee when she is sacred. Your new bed looks super comfy! Lee and Phod

  11. Oh Duke, you are growing up so very fast!!!
    Happy July!
    Rosy & Sunny

  12. YOU have SO scored Duke!

    Next step: snuggled next to your mom like I am!


  13. You've got a very comfortable bedroom 😉

  14. Duke, you are such a good boy and a smart one too. There comes a time when the peeps have to give us a chance to be uncrated at night. But tell her to keep the crate around with the door open because she bets you will like to go in there sometimes just to take a nap. It always good to have a pup feel comfortable with being in a crate. We are so proud of you, Duke.

    Woos - Misty and Timber
