Monday, July 29, 2024

Marvelous Monday

 I got a bath yesterday and I liked it!   Mom has been hugging me lots and telling me how sweet and clean I am!

Earlier last week, she bought me a Kong ball and I like it a lot too~
Sometimes this happens and I can't get it out from under the dresser by myself so mom has to get down on her hands and knees and help me out which doesn't make her too happy as it happens more than once.  
Thank you, mom.  I truly appreciate your help!
I'm off to play!
Have a marvelous Monday, everyone!

Love ya lots♥


  1. that is a super fabulous kong toy... it keeps you busy and your mama too... double win

  2. #1 always says the same thing about me whenever I have a bath. How nice of your Mom to retrieve your toys! My #1 will do it too, even though she is very creaky!


  3. We have lost things under the furniture too, but Mom doesn't usually realize it for days. Enjoy your new toy.

  4. We found ourselves snagging a sniff too!

    I do the same with veggies and treats in the kitchen - under the rolling countertop bar thingie - sometimes it means Mom has to pull it out - then ends up vacuuming back there too!


  5. You are having such a happy life Dandy Duke and that makes my heart smile!

  6. Great to start the week off clean! Coco had her Spa Day on Friday and smells so much better and has also lost a lot of her fluff so is nice and cool which is a good thing as it is quite warm here today. Have a wonderful week. Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

  7. You do look rather spiffy after your bath, Duke. It's so nice of your mom to get you that new toy and retrieve it when it rolls under the furniture.

  8. Morning Duke...I think I wish I had a whiff of how nice your scent is...and your furs are very shiny
    I loved this line and photo
    Thank you, mom. I truly appreciate your help!
    Love you lots Cecilia

  9. Hari OM
    OOhh Duke, didn't think you could be even more spiffy!!! As for that ball, pawhaps mum needs to treat herself to one of those hand extender/litter picker things to help her help you! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  10. You're so handsome, Duke and mom will always fetch your toys when you can't.

    I linked this post to Awww Mondays.

    Have a woof woof day and week, Duke. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥

  11. Aw Duke, you will make your mom very happy, being so compliant when it comes to bath time. She'll even forgive you for making her crawl around on the floor, we bet!

  12. Sounds like it's going to be a great week!
    Rosy & Sunny

  13. So handsome.

  14. You always looks so handsome, Duke, but with your bath, you look especially so. Have fun with your BIG kong ball.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  15. The great thing about baths is our parents can stand to hug us longer.

  16. Java Bean: "Ayyy, maybe you need a bigger ball, Duke!"
    Lulu: "Or a dresser with shorter legs!"

  17. You like bath? That makes you a good boy!

    When my child was very young he tried getting toys that slipped under the furniture. Sometimes toys came out with clumps of dust, like dust balls! LOL! I tried sealing the void by stuffing emptied tissue boxes. It's a bit of craft work, but it helps.

    Bless Mom for taking the trouble to get your ball, Julia
