Friday, July 5, 2024

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy and Sunny this week for Nature Friday~~

I ran into my friend, Carlie on my walk on Wednesday and again yesterday.  Mom says that I am over the top nutty when I meet up with her and her dad~

We found Toadflax~
At the end of Keri's driveway, we discovered she had planted Zinnias.   They remind mom so much of her Nonna, as Nonna always planted all colors of Zinnias in the summer at her house.
We discovered Balloon flowers near a mailbox~
The red Clematis is so pretty and so full!
We are seeing quite a bit of Yucca this year and it is such a tall plant!
Do you see the bunny underneath the Magnolia bush?   I want so badly for mom to drop my leash so I can chase him but she won't.  SpoilSport!
Happy Friday!

Love ya lots♥


  1. No bunny hopping for you Mr. DD ... and it does look like you're doing wonderfully now with your walkabouts. We're always delighted to see so many beautiful flowers in your neighborhood ...
    and how sweet that you have a special friend ...

  2. We have a teenage bunny that sits on our front sidewalk right in front of the front door windows. It makes us lose our minds and Mom has to sneak out and chase it away because we are so crazy! Pretty flowers you found too :)

  3. maybe you have to wait till easter? we love the flowers and we love that summer is everywhere...

  4. Such magnificent wonders to see - and have fun going all CocoPuffs for seeing your FURiendS!

    Another 93-95+ for us - Mom won't be taking me when she goes to meet up with Auntie Di today - but she promises we'll do SOMETHING later -


  5. Hari OM
    I recently met some bunny rabbits... mischievous and elusive! You found some blooming beautiful blossoms, Duke! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Duke do you have a case of Puppy Love for Carlie? She is a beauty and I expect she knows how handsome to you are too but she is being coy!!
    Pretty blooms for us today too. That bunny best realizes just how lucky he is that your mom is strong!!
    Hugs and love you lots.

  7. We can understand why you would get excited to meet your friend, Duke. You sure found lots of pretty flowers on your walk.

  8. Java Bean: "Ayyy, Mama and Dada never let us chase the bunnies either! We are just trying to help the bunnies out. How are they supposed to learn evasive maneuvers if nobody chases them?!"

  9. Duke ~ you are an awesome dude ~ always fun to meet up with doggie friends ~ great floral shots too ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. What beautiful flowers this week Duke. Our Mama is also fond of Zinnias...they remind her of her childhood in NJ.
    Rosy & Sunny

  11. I think Carlie likes you too Duke. Those were all sure pretty flowers!

  12. How nice that you got to meet up with Carlie!!! She is very pretty.

    We saw some big red balloon flowers on our walks today. Mom should snap a photo of them. You always find such pretty blooms.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  13. Pretty flowers that you are showing us today! And we get all wackadoodle at other pupas we encounter on our strolls, too. We sure hope you might get to chase a bunny....someday...

  14. Moms can be such spoilsports, especially when one is a puppy, but we love your flowers and your beautiful friend Carlie.

  15. parlance here, Peppa's mum. I've always loved the plants you and the dogs discover on your walks, and that toadflax is a new one on me. I think it's gorgeous.
