Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Mom's Birthday

 Today is my mom's birthday!

A couple of weeks ago, Missy gave her a stained glass piece that she created and made for mom on her special day.   Missy took stained glass classes at the beginning of this year and she's doing a fantastic job with everything she makes.    Both mom and Missy were Northford TimberFramers and this gorgeous creation called "The Angel Heart of the Barn" is in memory of Missy's dad, who was the leader of the Northford TimberFramers.  He passed away in August 2023 and is loved and missed so very much.   It hangs in our picture window where we can enjoy it every single day♥ 

Mom got Birthday cards from our good friend in the UK, Miss Susie, and she also got a birthday card from her longtime friend, Miss Cathy.   Thank you both so very much♥   Your cards are just beautiful!

It's been very very hot here for the last few days and we can't think of anything better to celebrate mom's birthday with than ICE CREAM!

The one last thing we have to tell you is that mom treated herself to a new computer - not because she wanted one but because Windows 10 will not be supported after October 2025 and mom isn't a person who waits until the last minute.  She is also not a techy person so if you don't hear back from us for a couple of days, you will know why.  
She also preloaded two Nature Friday posts as she will be deleting all kinds of stuffs on this computer so it can be disposed of properly.   Photos have already been saved to her hard drive but not flower and nature photos.   We hope Blogger holds the posts for us.  Fingers and paws are crossed!

The heck with the new computer.  Mom wants this gorgeous antique car fully restored by Landlord Bob!   How gorgeous will this be when he's finished with it!

Wish us luck on the computer change!

Love ya lots♥


  1. Happy Birthday to your Mom! New computers scare our mom. We got a new one last year and she was terrified to get it all set up on her own, but she did it. She has a high speed transfer cable that sends all the stuff we want to keep to the new computer and we also have several back ups in the cloud for just in case situations every day. Good luck on the move and enjoy your birthday!

  2. Hari OM
    Happy Birthday to Mum!!! I am sure the new computer will be just fine - though learning one's way around new territory is always a bit time consuming. Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  3. What an exciting post - and yes, there were some leaky eyes here - what a collection of special EVERYTHING!!!

    The memories - the pictures - the new 'puter - the ICE CREAM - we might have to join the celebration tonight with OUR Tillamook - Chocolate Hazelnut - so just for Mom -

    We KNOW all will go well -

    Happy Happy Birthday to your mom - and Happy Happy Birthday to NAMaggie!

    Willow & Phyll
    PeeEssWoo: These temps $uck - the string of '9's continue with a 99 for next Tuesday - and very little rain

  4. Happy birthday to your mom! The stained glass is absolutely beautiful. Enjoy your yummy ice cream and I'm hoping you'll soon have cooler weather.

  5. Happy Happy Birthday to your Mom Duke...
    That is a most gorgeous stain glass that Missy made with such personal meaning and in memory of her Dad. She is quite talented. I attended a stain glass presentation once years ago. It was is a most precise and gorgeous craft.
    I like landlord Bob's car too
    I didn't know about Windows 10...I might have to do the very same thing soon.
    Hugs Cecilia


  6. PS I didn't complete my thought: Enjoy the ice cream.

  7. Hi Duke, it looks like your mom is having a fabulous birthday. Please send her our very best wishes, and good luck with the new computer.
    Nobby (and Gail).
    PS How we would love a ride in Landlord Bob's car.

  8. A very HAppy Birthday to your Mom, Duke!!!
    Rosy & Sunny

  9. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Happy birthday to your Mom! Also - ICE CREAM!!! That's the BEST! Also, that stained glass is very, very beautiful, and it has a beautiful meaning, too!

  10. Happy Birthday to your mom! What a beautiful stained glass and what better way to celebrate than with ice cream!

  11. Happy Happy Birthday to your sweet Mom!!! What a beautiful and touching gift from Missy!! And even more special because she made it herself!!! Good luck with the new computer.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. Lulu: "Happy belated birthday to your mom!"
    Java Bean: "¡Feliz cumpleaños! And many happy returns!"
    Lulu: "How was the ice cream? Our Dada has eyed it in the store a few times, but he isn't sure if marshmallow ice cream would be all that!"

  13. Happy Birthday to your very special Mom from all of us and good luck with the new computer! Yum, ice cream!

  14. Happy Birthday!!
    That is a lovely stained glass piece!!
    New computer?? Good luck!!

  15. We hope you had a wonderful Birthday and what a fantastic present from Missy. As you know in the UK we are very lucky to have lots of stained glass, particularly in our churches, it will look amazing in your window. New computers are always a challenge and I know exactly what you mean about getting everything transferred, I hope it all goes well. That really is a lovely old car, I bet Landlord Bob is having a great time restoring it. As both of our Boys are car men they love anything which has four wheels and an engine but definitely NOT electric! Have a lovely day. Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

  16. best of luck with ths switchover
    baby's first ice cream! I remember the look on my lab's face when she got her own dish of icecream on a tour at ben and jerry's
    happy birthday month
