Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Watermelon Wednesday

 I'm trying watermelon for the very first time~

Of course, I cleaned my plate!  Watermelon is good stuffs!

I can't wait for my second serving!

Love ya lots♥

Monday, July 1, 2024

Marvelous Monday

 From the time I came to live here with mom, I have been whimpering in my crate from 3:30am till she can't stand it anymore and gets up.  I don't have to do business if that's what you're thinking.  I just want to be out of my crate and be with my mom.  

She's been thinking a lot about what to do about this and finally came up with a plan that she thought could work.

A HUGE box arrived here last week on Friday. 

The plan is that from 9pm till around 1:30am, when mom gets up to take me out to do business, I will sleep in my crate.
After we come back inside around 1:30am, I will be in the bedroom sleeping in my new bed or on the rug in front of it.   I am leashed to the bedpost so I only have 6' of room to explore so I don't get myself into any trouble.  
Now for the fun part!
It's International Box Day all over again☺
To continue~~
Friday night was a positive experience for both me and mom so on Saturday night, I got to sleep from 9pm till 5am in the bedroom, with my leash attached, with mom!   Mom found me at 1am underneath the bed skirt but that's okay as I was being a good boy!   I did the same thing again on Sunday night☺   I am on my way!
Did I mention that I have my own personal fan if the temps get uncomfy for me?!
I sure do like sleeping in the bedroom so much better than sleeping in my crate!

Happy July First!
Love ya lots♥