Thursday, July 5, 2007

Photos, Duckies,Bear and a Roof

Mom made me an album for all of the postings that we print out from my blog so that we'll have all of these memories forever and ever. She decorated the front of it with some of her favorite notecards by Ann Curren. The back of it has more notecards by the same artist plus the Valentine that Butchy sent me and the nice note that Boy-n-Baby sent me with a pressie awhile back! Now when we print off our postings, we have a notebook to put them in to keep them nice and neat and organized. This was one of my postings one Sunday when I was waiting for my hooman sister and Jim to come for oonies!This posting was of Mitch getting his very first bigboy hairecut! What wonderful memories this book will hold!We hope one day to have this whole notebook totally filled!!!

We wanted to give you an update on Daisy and Donald. They're doing fantastic! They're growing by the day but still not going into the big pond yet. They are hanging out in our brook right behind the big barn. We still feed them separately from the other duckies and we still bring them inside the barn at night to sleep. Dad says we have to keep bringing them inside until they bond with the other duckies and swim on the big pond!

The next bit of news we have to report is that our friends Paul and Terry, who live about an hour from us, have a visitor who visits on a daily basis. The visit is usually in the wee hours of the morning but not this time! Paul took these pictures at 4:30 in the afternoon! I'm not sure I'd want this guy on MY porch! How about you?
It just seems a little too close for our comfort!
We also wanted to tell you that dad has almost finished the roof! He only has the caps left to do! Yes, he had help from his buddies Bob and Bill. Thanks guys! We owe you!
Mom is super glad that all of the shingles are picked up off the ground and no more bending over for hours at a time!
And that nail magnet worked wonderfully! We highly recommend it!
I leave you with one more picture - of ME - totally relaxing! That's a baby apple right in front of my nose! Who cares! I need my beauty rest!

Until next time...................

Love ya lots,



  1. Holy Yogi Bear, Maggie! That's some visitor! Your friends didn't leave a pic-a-nic basket out, did they? Wowzers!
    My mom LOVES your idea of printing out the postings and making a book! Did you print the comments, too, or just the daily post? We're thinking of doing something like that and wondered what you suggest!
    Play bows,

  2. Thanks for leaving us a bark, Maggie! I think if you open up the page individually like, then the comments are there, but not the comment-leavers' pictures!
    I like your idea of doing each post!
    Play bows,

  3. Hi Maggie...Our Mom has had another blog for a little over a year where she blogs all about the human family. She does the same thing that you do and prints them out and puts every entry into a book. She's making the books so the human kids can have them when they are grown. It's a great idea. She hasn't started making a book of our blog yet but we think she should!!!

    Oh yea, I don't know what we would do if we found a bear in the yard. Mom would probably want to move away!!

    Love, Seadra and Zoe

  4. I thought for a second it was just wally in that pic then I realized it was a big scary beary!

  5. Hi Maggie,
    I think printing out the posts and compiling it into a book is a fab idea. Hope my mom will get the hint and do it for me..
    *gasp*.. is that a bear taht I see??!

  6. Maggie, those are great photos. I don't like that bear either. Especially since he looks hungry.

    The ducks are ok I guess...I am not really fond of birds. I am scared of them
    And squirrels, and raccoons, and flies...oh I could go on.

  7. first off maggie, no problem on the dog. did your mom managed to finish the book? it's good rite? i don't want her to return without reading it. it's going to waste coz she feel guilty for keeping it so long so she return it without reading.

    anyway, wow, that visitor is not the best visitor huh. if the bear was at your house, i'm sure you and mitch gonna put up a fight if it to pawtect your family.

    wet wet licks


  8. That's a very nice album with both you and Mitch's photos. The bear looks scary.. I hope he don't come to visit again

    ~ girl girl

  9. Wow, now that's an UNUSUAL visitor!!!


  10. wow. That visitor looks like a cross between a Rottie and a Newfie. Is it a "Newfweiler Bear"? Hah Hah Hah. We crack us up!
    luv ya.
    Eddie & Peaches

  11. Hey Maggie,
    I think your Mom's idea of compiling your posts into a book is great. Always nice to look back all these memories huh?
    *gasp* that BEAR is HUGE!!

  12. Hey Aire-friends! That bear looks almost as big as us! Happy upcomming birthday to you and your mom! You heard it here first!

  13. Ok, not only do you have 2 duckies but you have a Bear for a neighbor? Man, you sure have an exciting life!!! Although I agree with you, not so sure if I want Mr. Bear as a neighbor... I mean, maybe its just me (I'm scared of cats u know), but a Bear?? Yikes, that would scare the you-know-what outa me!!! You and Mitch and duckies be careful k??

    And we love the album idea!!! Your Mom is so creative.


  14. everything seems so nice .. so perfect.. but not the bear!..don't go near!...anyway, you can think positively.. if a bear come to visit you means you are lucky one..hehehe..

    Anyway.. thanks Maggie for all the supports u gave me.. big thank you and hugs to you!..

    Golden Rossi

  15. Woah, I can't even imagine lookig out of the window and seeing a bear!!!

    Oscar x

  16. The album is a great idea! That is really nice of your mum. I think my mum is a super lazy woman.. dun think she will ever do such sweet things for me. Oh i would love to meet your friend, he looks so cuddly!!! I love bears!!!!!!!

  17. Maggie,

    That's a great idea. When I told mom about it she said something like "One more thing..."

    Guess the photo album is out for me..

    Hey when is Mitch gonna say hi again?

  18. Holy cow! That bear looks just like Pooka!

  19. I think I'll stick with my frogs that visit at night, no bears need apply! WOW!

    I'd take some duckies though, they look like fun to chase...


  20. Maggie,
    That's a vewy big beaw..pweez wil you and Mitch stay away fwom him? he looks pwetty scawy, he's a nice looking beaw,but I think he should go home to jellystone pawk.
    Daisy and Donald look wight at home, they're vewy cute, and your Mommi suwe is smawt to make that bootiful book,it's fun to look back on good times!
    yuou Daddy did a pawsome job on that bawn, whew I'm exhausted fwom just looking, have anice nap
    smoochie kisses

  21. ooooooooooh that bear is soooooo scary!

    You look lovely in the last picture Maggie! So contented.

    Your Mum is very orgainised with her picture album, wish my Jeannie was the same, she lives in total chaos!

    love and licks, Marv xxxxx

  22. Wow Maggie.. What a great idea to do a scrapbook (sorta) of your blogs so that you will have them forever. Super cool! I must discuss doing this with my mom!!! Hugs,

  23. Dux? You got DUX? Ooohh, so cool! What do airedales do when they see ducks? We know what kerries would do, and it wouldn't be pretty! Daisy and Donald do look kinda cute, though...

    The new roof's awesome--what a lotta work!

    Let us know where the bears are--we'll chase 'em.


    Sephie & Buster

  24. Miss Ellie in Canada would like you to know she has smelled bears up at her cottage!

    I make her wear a Bear Bell when she goes out to play so the bear and Miss Ellie do not have the opportunity to meet!

    Way back when in the wild wild west the would use airedales to hunt bears...quite successfully!

    I don't have a big enough freezer for all that meat though so I guess we will stick with the bell.

  25. Holly crap! A BEAR in your porch??? That's scawie... You don't know when it's gonna come back especially when you're out there chillin or having a snack. Hopefully, YOU or Mitch won't be it's snack! Just be careful a wee bit... Why don't cha your hoomans call the animal control to catch it & find a new home for him. That would be better right? That's a lovely album by the way...

    Love licks,
    Solid Gold Dancer

  26. Maggie!

    Your mom is so creative and nurturing. You're lucky to have her (now I sound like I'm complaining about my girl, which I'm not - just noticing your mama).

    Do you think the bear will come your way? What will you do? (Run I hope - or better yet, stay inside, girlie).

    Get some rest. You looked pooped.

    Goober love,

  27. Holy Doggie~Is that Bear In Coconuticut???
    Oh and Maggie~If you look REALLY close at you Lavenders, Yours IS as gorgeous as mine are...the smallest things sometimes are the best!

  28. What a great idea to compile all your entries and all those sweet notes from your friends!

    We hope the bear is not dangerous cos it looks really scawy.

    Boy n Baby
